Mainly to test correctness of equations generated along with forward evolution
import $ivy.`io.github.siddhartha-gadgil::provingground-core-jvm:0.1.0`
import $ivy.$
import provingground._ , interface._, HoTT._
import learning._
import library._, MonoidSimple._
import provingground._ , interface._, HoTT._ import learning._ import library._, MonoidSimple._
val tg = TermGenParams()
tg: TermGenParams = TermGenParams(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.3, 0.7, 0.5) res3_1: NodeCoeffSeq[TermState, Term, Double] = Cons( BaseCons( BasePi(provingground.learning.RandomVarFamily$$Lambda$2292/368952730@30d6b608, FuncsWithDomain), 0.55, BaseCons( BasePi(provingground.learning.GeneratorNode$$Lambda$2295/1777621063@ff038da, FuncsWithDomain), 0.1, BaseCons( BasePi( provingground.learning.GeneratorNode$$Lambda$2295/1777621063@3c109d59, FuncsWithDomain ), 0.1, BaseCons( BasePi( provingground.learning.GeneratorNode$$Lambda$2295/1777621063@55e999c2, FuncsWithDomain ), 0.1, BaseCons( BasePi( provingground.learning.TermGeneratorNodes$$Lambda$2281/168572575@7d28562a, FuncsWithDomain ), 0.1, Target(FuncsWithDomain) ) ) ) ) ), Cons( BaseCons( Map( provingground.learning.TermRandomVars$TargetTyps$$$Lambda$2298/413538804@619b999d, Goals, TargetTyps ), 0.7, BaseCons( Map( provingground.learning.TermRandomVars$TargetTyps$$$Lambda$2299/1742855736@64d6a6f1, Typs, TargetTyps ), 0.30000000000000004, Target(TargetTyps) ) ), ...
val mfd = MonixFiniteDistributionEq(tg.nodeCoeffSeq)
val ts = TermState(dist1,
mfd: MonixFiniteDistributionEq[TermState, Term] = MonixFiniteDistributionEq( Cons( BaseCons( BasePi( provingground.learning.RandomVarFamily$$Lambda$2292/368952730@30d6b608, FuncsWithDomain ), 0.55, BaseCons( BasePi( provingground.learning.GeneratorNode$$Lambda$2295/1777621063@ff038da, FuncsWithDomain ), 0.1, BaseCons( BasePi( provingground.learning.GeneratorNode$$Lambda$2295/1777621063@3c109d59, FuncsWithDomain ), 0.1, BaseCons( BasePi( provingground.learning.GeneratorNode$$Lambda$2295/1777621063@55e999c2, FuncsWithDomain ), 0.1, BaseCons( BasePi( provingground.learning.TermGeneratorNodes$$Lambda$2281/168572575@7d28562a, FuncsWithDomain ), 0.1, Target(FuncsWithDomain) ) ) ) ) ), Cons( BaseCons( Map( provingground.learning.TermRandomVars$TargetTyps$$$Lambda$2298/413538804@619b999d, Goals, TargetTyps ), 0.7, BaseCons( Map( provingground.learning.TermRandomVars$TargetTyps$$$Lambda$2299/1742855736@64d6a6f1, ... ts: TermState = TermState( FiniteDistribution( Vector( Weighted(e_l, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(e_r, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(mul, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(eqM, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(eqM, 0.2857142857142857), Weighted(mul, 0.2857142857142857) ) ), FiniteDistribution( Vector( Weighted(M, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(M, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted((M → (M → M)), 0.047619047619047616), Weighted((M → (M → 𝒰 )), 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) }, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted( ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }, 0.047619047619047616 ), Weighted(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted((M → (M → 𝒰 )), 0.2857142857142857), Weighted((M → (M → M)), 0.2857142857142857) ) ), Vector(), FiniteDistribution(Vector()), FiniteDistribution(Vector()), Empty )
import TermRandomVars._
val tsk = mfd.varDist(ts)(Terms, 0.001)
import TermRandomVars._ tsk: monix.eval.Task[(FiniteDistribution[Term], Set[GeneratorVariables.EquationTerm])] = FlatMap( Async(<function2>, true, true, true), monix.eval.Task$$Lambda$2530/1333989368@294e856f ) import
val rp = tsk.runSyncUnsafe()
val eqs = rp._2
rp: (FiniteDistribution[Term], Set[GeneratorVariables.EquationTerm]) = ( FiniteDistribution( Vector( Weighted(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}, 0.029778252577854582), Weighted(mul(e_r)(e_l), 0.0053934227946860315), Weighted(eqM(e_r)(e_r), 0.0053934227946860315), Weighted((_ : ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }) ↦ eqM, 0.0011761943024481748), Weighted((_ : (M → (M → M))) ↦ axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}, 0.0011761943024481746), Weighted((_ : ∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) }) ↦ mul, 0.0011761943024481748), Weighted(eqM(e_r)(e_l), 0.0053934227946860315), Weighted((_ : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, 0.0011761943024481746), Weighted(mul(e_r), 0.02478994011666693), Weighted(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}, 0.029778252577854582), Weighted((_ : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }) ↦ mul, 0.0011761943024481748), Weighted((@a : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }) ↦ @a, 0.0015122498174333678), Weighted((@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a(e_r), 0.0023589908047798197), Weighted((_ : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ e_l, 0.0011761943024481746), Weighted(eqM(e_l)(e_l), 0.0053934227946860315), Weighted( (_ : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}, 0.0011761943024481746 ), Weighted((@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a(e_l), 0.0023589908047798197), Weighted(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}(e_r), 0.003541420016666704), Weighted(axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}, 0.029778252577854582), Weighted( (_ : ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }) ↦ mul, 0.0011761943024481748 ), Weighted(mul, 0.24983231236562614), Weighted(eqM(e_r), 0.02478994011666693), Weighted( (@a : ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }) ↦ @a, 0.0015122498174333675 ), Weighted((_ : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ eqM, 0.008233360117137222), Weighted(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}(e_r), 0.003541420016666704), Weighted( (_ : ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }) ↦ eqM, 0.0011761943024481748 ), Weighted((@a : M) ↦ @a, 0.0030244996348667355), Weighted(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}(e_l), 0.003541420016666704), Weighted((@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a, 0.010585748722033573), Weighted((@a : ∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) }) ↦ @a, 0.0015122498174333678), Weighted((_ : (M → (M → M))) ↦ axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}, 0.0011761943024481746), Weighted(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, 0.029778252577854582), Weighted(e_l, 0.033331339533166776), Weighted(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}, 0.029778252577854582), ... eqs: Set[GeneratorVariables.EquationTerm] = Set( EquationTerm( FinalVal( Elem( Wrap((_ : (M → (M → M))) ↦ axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil) ) ), Product( Coeff( Island( AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil), ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil) ), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil), ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) ) ), EquationTerm( FinalVal(Elem((@a : (M → (M → M))) ↦ @a, Terms)), Product( Coeff(FlatMap(Typs, LambdaIsle, Terms), Terms), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(@a, Terms), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) ) ), EquationTerm( FinalVal( ...
res7: Set[GeneratorVariables.EquationTerm] = Set( EquationTerm( FinalVal( Elem( Wrap((_ : (M → (M → M))) ↦ axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil) ) ), Product( Coeff( Island( AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil), ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil) ), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil), ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) ) ), EquationTerm( FinalVal(Elem((@a : (M → (M → M))) ↦ @a, Terms)), Product( Coeff(FlatMap(Typs, LambdaIsle, Terms), Terms), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(@a, Terms), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) ) ), EquationTerm( FinalVal( ...
val lefts =
lefts: Set[GeneratorVariables.Expression] = Set( FinalVal(Elem((@a : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }) ↦ @a, Terms)), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ), FinalVal( Elem( ((M → (M → 𝒰 )) → ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }), Typs ) ), FinalVal( ... res8_1: Int = 585
import GeneratorVariables._, Expression._
val eqgs =
import GeneratorVariables._ eqgs: Set[Equation] = Set( Equation( FinalVal( Elem( Wrap((_ : (M → (M → M))) ↦ axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil) ) ), Product( Coeff( Island( AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil), ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil) ), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil), ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) ) ), Equation( FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(mul, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ), Product( ...
res10_0: Int = 585 res10_1: Int = 809
res11: Equation = Equation( FinalVal( Elem( Wrap((_ : (M → (M → M))) ↦ axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil) ) ), Product( Coeff( Island( AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil), ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil) ), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil), ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) ) )
res12: Set[Expression] = Set( Sum( Sum( Product( Product(Coeff(FlatMap(Typs, LambdaIsle, Terms), Terms), FinalVal(Elem((M → (M → M)), Typs))), FinalVal(Elem((_ : (M → (M → M))) ↦ axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms)) ), Product( Coeff(FlatMap(Typs, LambdaIsle, Terms), Terms), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) ) ), Product( Coeff(BaseThenCondition(FlatMap(Typs, LambdaIsle, Terms), Funcs, Restrict(FuncOpt)), Funcs), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) ) ), Product( Coeff( FlatMap( Typs, provingground.learning.TermGeneratorNodes$$Lambda$2283/1598454918@70bec38a, Typs ), Typs ), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs), @a, Island(Typs, ConstRandVar(Typs), AddVar((M → (M → 𝒰 )), 0.3), Sigma, InIsle) ) ) ), Product( Coeff(Init(Terms), Terms), ...
val rights =
rights: Set[VarVal[_]] = Set( FinalVal(Elem((@a : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }) ↦ @a, Terms)), InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ), InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ), InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(e_l, Terms), @a, Island( AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → 𝒰 )) :: HNil), ConstRandVar(Terms), ...
val extras = rights -- lefts.flatMap(GeneratorVariables.Expression.varVals)
extras: Set[VarVal[_]] = Set( InitialVal(Elem(mul, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(e_r, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}, Terms)), InitialVal( Elem( Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil) ) ), InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(eqM, AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → 𝒰 )) :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem((M → (M → M)), Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(eqM, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(eqM), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(M, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(@a), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(mul), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(@a), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(mul), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) }, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(e_r, AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(mul, AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem((M → (M → 𝒰 )), Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(e_l, AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms)), ...
res15: Int = 46
res16_0: Int = 585 res16_1: Int = 459
res17: Set[Expression] = Set( FinalVal(Elem((@a : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }) ↦ @a, Terms)), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ), FinalVal( Elem( ((M → (M → 𝒰 )) → ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }), Typs ) ), FinalVal( ...
import GeneratorVariables.Expression.varVals
val egEq = eqgs.find(eq => varVals(eq.rhs).intersect(extras).nonEmpty)
import GeneratorVariables.Expression.varVals egEq: Option[Equation] = Some( Equation( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs), @a, Island(Typs, ConstRandVar(Typs), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Sigma, InIsle) ) ), Product( IsleScale(@a, Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs)) ) ) )
res19: Expression = InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs), @a, Island(Typs, ConstRandVar(Typs), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Sigma, InIsle) ) )
res20: String = "(P\u2080(InIsle((a : M ) ~> (((eqM) (((mul) (e_l)) (a))) (a)) \u2208 Typs,@a,Island(Typs,Typs,AddVar,Sigma,InIsle)))) == ((IsleScale(@a,(a : M ) ~> (((eqM) (((mul) (e_l)) (a))) (a)) \u2208 Typs)) * (P\u2080((a : M ) ~> (((eqM) (((mul) (e_l)) (a))) (a)) \u2208 Typs)))"
res21_0: Set[VarVal[_]] = Set(InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs))) res21_1: Set[VarVal[_]] = Set(InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs)))
Note: This may not be an error as we may simply have too low cutoff to get any terms on the rhs.
As we see below (which will change after a corrections), most of the extras are initial values in islands, which should be paired with those outside.
val initExtras = extras.filter(_.isInstanceOf[InitialVal[_]])
initExtras: Set[VarVal[_]] = Set( InitialVal(Elem(mul, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(e_r, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}, Terms)), InitialVal( Elem( Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil) ) ), InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(eqM, AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → 𝒰 )) :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem((M → (M → M)), Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(eqM, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(eqM), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(M, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(@a), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(mul), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(@a), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(mul), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) }, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(e_r, AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(mul, AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem((M → (M → 𝒰 )), Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(e_l, AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms)), ...
res23: Int = 46
res24: Int = 46
res25: Set[Expression] = Set( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ), InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(e_l, Terms), @a, Island( AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → 𝒰 )) :: HNil), ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → 𝒰 )), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ), InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(@a), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(e_r, Terms), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), InitialVal( ...
val linits = eqgs.filter(_.lhs.isInstanceOf[InitialVal[_]])
linits: Set[Equation] = Set( Equation( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs), @a, Island(Typs, ConstRandVar(Typs), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Sigma, InIsle) ) ), Product( IsleScale(@a, Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs)) ) ), Equation( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(e_r, Terms), @a, Island( AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil), ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ), Product(IsleScale(@a, Elem(e_r, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(e_r, Terms))) ), Equation( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(mul, Terms), @a, Island( AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil), ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ), Product(IsleScale(@a, Elem(mul, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(mul, Terms))) ), Equation( InitialVal( InIsle( ...
res27: Int = 164
res28: String = "(P\u2080(InIsle((a : M ) ~> (((eqM) (((mul) (e_l)) (a))) (a)) \u2208 Typs,@a,Island(Typs,Typs,AddVar,Sigma,InIsle)))) == ((IsleScale(@a,(a : M ) ~> (((eqM) (((mul) (e_l)) (a))) (a)) \u2208 Typs)) * (P\u2080((a : M ) ~> (((eqM) (((mul) (e_l)) (a))) (a)) \u2208 Typs)))"
res29: Expression = Product( IsleScale(@a, Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs)) )
res30: Expression = InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs), @a, Island(Typs, ConstRandVar(Typs), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Sigma, InIsle) ) )
val termEqs = eqgs.collect{case Equation(FinalVal(Elem(t : Term, Terms)), rhs) => t -> rhs}
termEqs: Set[(Term, Expression)] = Set( ( (_ : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }) ↦ eqM, Sum( Product( Product( Coeff(FlatMap(Typs, LambdaIsle, Terms), Terms), FinalVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs)) ), FinalVal(Elem((_ : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }) ↦ eqM, Terms)) ), Product( Coeff(FlatMap(Typs, LambdaIsle, Terms), Terms), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(eqM, Terms), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) ) ) ), ( mul(e_r)(e_r), Sum( Product( Product( Coeff(FiberProductMap(domOf, TermsWithTyp, Appln, Funcs, Terms), Terms), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap(mul(e_r)), Funcs)) ), FinalVal(Elem(e_r, AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, M :: HNil))) ), Product( Product( Coeff(ZipMapOpt(UnifApplnOpt, Funcs, Terms, Terms), Terms), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap(mul(e_r)), Funcs)) ), FinalVal(Elem(e_r, Terms)) ) ) ), ( axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}(e_r)(e_r)(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}(e_r)), Product( Product( Coeff(ZipMapOpt(UnifApplnOpt, Funcs, Terms, Terms), Terms), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}), Funcs)) ), ...
res32: Int = 127
res33: Set[Term] = Set( axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}(mul(e_l)(e_r))(e_l)(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}(e_l)), axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}, mul(e_r)(e_l), eqM(e_r)(e_r), (_ : M) ↦ e_r, (_ : ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }) ↦ eqM, (_ : (M → (M → M))) ↦ axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}, (_ : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }) ↦ axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, (_ : ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }) ↦ e_l, (_ : ∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) }) ↦ mul, (_ : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }) ↦ axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, (_ : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }) ↦ e_l, eqM(e_r)(e_l), (_ : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, mul(e_r), axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}, (_ : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }) ↦ mul, (@a : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }) ↦ @a, (@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a(e_r), (_ : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ e_l, eqM(e_l)(e_l), (_ : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }) ↦ axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}, (_ : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}, (_ : ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }) ↦ axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, (@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a(e_l), (_ : ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }) ↦ axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}, (_ : ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }) ↦ axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}, (_ : ∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) }) ↦ axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}, axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}(e_r), axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}, (_ : ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }) ↦ mul, mul, eqM(e_r), (@a : ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }) ↦ @a, (_ : ∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) }) ↦ axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}, (_ : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ eqM, axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}(e_r), (_ : ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }) ↦ eqM, ($tia : M) ↦ axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}(mul(e_l)(e_r))(e_l)($tia)(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}(e_l)), (@a : M) ↦ @a, ($sxc : M) ↦ axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}(e_r)(e_r)($sxc)(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}(e_r)), axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}(e_l), (_ : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }) ↦ axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}, ... => !isUniv(tp))
res34: Set[Typ[U] forSome { type U >: x$1._1.type <: Term with Subs[U]; val x$1: (Term, Expression) }] = Set( ∏($tcy : M){ (eqM(e_l)($tcy) → eqM(mul(e_l)(e_l))($tcy)) }, eqM(e_r)(e_r), eqM(mul(e_l)(e_r))(e_l), (∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) } → ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }), (∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } } → ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }), (∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } } → ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }), (∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) } → ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }), (M → ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }), (∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) } → ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }), ((M → (M → M)) → ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }), ((M → (M → 𝒰 )) → ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }), eqM(e_l)(e_l), ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, (∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } } → M), (M → M), (∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) } → M), (∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) } → M), (∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } } → M), (∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) } → M), ((M → (M → M)) → M), ((M → (M → 𝒰 )) → M), eqM(mul(e_l)(e_l))(e_l), ((M → (M → M)) → (M → (M → M))), (∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) } → (M → (M → M))), (M → (M → (M → M))), (∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) } → (M → (M → M))), ((M → (M → 𝒰 )) → (M → (M → M))), (∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } } → (M → (M → M))), (∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } } → (M → (M → M))), (∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) } → (M → (M → M))), (∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } } → ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }), (∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) } → ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }), (∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } } → ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }), (∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) } → ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }), ((M → (M → M)) → ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }), ((M → (M → 𝒰 )) → ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }), (M → ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }), (∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) } → ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }), ∏($szu : M){ (eqM(e_r)($szu) → eqM(mul(e_l)(e_r))($szu)) }, ∏($tia : M){ (eqM(e_l)($tia) → eqM(mul(e_l)(e_r))($tia)) }, M, eqM(e_l)(mul(e_l)(e_r)), ((M → (M → M)) → (M → M)), (M → (M → M)), ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }, ...
val eqid = termEqs.find(_._1.typ == eqM(l)(op(l)(r)))
eqid: Option[(Term, Expression)] = Some( ( axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}(mul(e_l)(e_r))(e_l)(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}(e_l)), Product( Product( Coeff(ZipMapOpt(UnifApplnOpt, Funcs, Terms, Terms), Terms), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}), Funcs)) ), FinalVal(Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}(e_l), Terms)) ) ) )
This is a case of symmetry being applied, and presumably the equation is passed on too.
val eqid0 = termEqs.find(_._1.typ == eqM(op(l)(r))(l))
eqid0: Option[(Term, Expression)] = Some( ( axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}(e_l), Sum( Sum( Sum( Sum( Sum( Sum( Sum( Sum( Sum( Sum( Product( Product( Coeff( BaseThenCondition( ZipMapOpt(UnifApplnOpt, Funcs, Terms, Terms), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → 𝒰 )) :: HNil), Filter(WithTyp((M → (M → 𝒰 )))) ), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → 𝒰 )) :: HNil) ), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}), Funcs)) ), FinalVal(Elem(e_l, Terms)) ), Product( Product( Coeff( BaseThenCondition( FiberProductMap(domOf, TermsWithTyp, Appln, Funcs, Terms), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, M :: HNil), Filter(WithTyp(M)) ), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, M :: HNil) ), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}), Funcs)) ), FinalVal(Elem(e_l, AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, M :: HNil))) ) ), Product( Product( Coeff( BaseThenCondition( FiberProductMap(domOf, TermsWithTyp, Appln, Funcs, Terms), Funcs, Restrict(FuncOpt) ...
eqgs.find(eq => varVals(eq.rhs).intersect(extras).nonEmpty)
res37: Option[Equation] = Some( Equation( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs), @a, Island(Typs, ConstRandVar(Typs), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Sigma, InIsle) ) ), Product( IsleScale(@a, Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs)) ) ) )
val finExtras = extras -- initExtras
finExtras: Set[VarVal[_]] = Set()
res39: Int = 0
val ats =
ats: Set[Expression] = Set( FinalVal(Elem((@a : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }) ↦ @a, Terms)), InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ), InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ), InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(e_l, Terms), @a, Island( AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → 𝒰 )) :: HNil), ConstRandVar(Terms), ...
val coeffs = ats.collect{case coeff @ Coeff(_, _) => coeff}
coeffs: Set[Coeff[Any]] = Set( Coeff( BaseThenCondition( ZipMapOpt(UnifApplnOpt, Funcs, Terms, Terms), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil), Filter(WithTyp((M → (M → M)))) ), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil) ), Coeff( BaseThenCondition(ZipMapOpt(UnifApplnOpt, TypFamilies, Terms, Terms), Typs, Restrict(TypOpt)), Typs ), Coeff( BaseThenCondition( FiberProductMap(domOf, TermsWithTyp, Appln, Funcs, Terms), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, M :: HNil), Filter(WithTyp(M)) ), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, M :: HNil) ), Coeff(BaseThenCondition(FlatMap(Typs, LambdaIsle, Terms), Funcs, Restrict(FuncOpt)), Funcs), Coeff(ZipFlatMap(TargetTyps, TermsWithTyp, Proj2, Terms), Terms), Coeff( FlatMap(Typs, provingground.learning.TermGeneratorNodes$$Lambda$2282/1458646167@3b664a79, Typs), Typs ), Coeff( Island( AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil), ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil) ), Coeff( BaseThenCondition( FiberProductMap(domOf, TermsWithTyp, Appln, Funcs, Terms), Funcs, Restrict(FuncOpt) ), Funcs ), Coeff( Init(AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil)), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil) ), ...
val cs = => c.get(tg.nodeCoeffSeq) -> c.rv)
cs: Vector[(Option[Double], RandomVar[Any])] = Vector( (Some(0.1), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil)), (Some(0.1), Typs), (Some(0.1), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, M :: HNil)), (Some(0.1), Funcs), (Some(0.05), Terms), (Some(0.1), Typs), (Some(0.1), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil)), (Some(0.1), Funcs), (Some(0.16500000000000004), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil)), (Some(0.1), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → 𝒰 )) :: HNil)), (Some(0.30000000000000004), TargetTyps), (Some(0.1), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, M :: HNil)), (Some(0.1), Terms), (Some(0.1), Terms), (Some(0.55), Terms), (Some(0.16500000000000004), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, M :: HNil)), (Some(0.55), TypFamilies), (Some(0.1), Terms), (Some(0.1), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → 𝒰 )) :: HNil)), (Some(0.1), Typs), (Some(0.1), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → 𝒰 )) :: HNil)), (Some(0.55), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil)), (Some(0.1), Terms), (Some(0.1), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil)), (Some(0.1), Funcs), (Some(0.55), Funcs), (Some(0.6), Typs), (Some(0.16500000000000004), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → 𝒰 )) :: HNil)), (Some(0.05), Typs) )
val initEls = extras.collect{case el @ InitialVal(Elem(_, _)) => el}
initEls: Set[InitialVal[Any]] = Set( InitialVal(Elem(mul, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(e_r, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}, Terms)), InitialVal( Elem( Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil) ) ), InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(eqM, AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → 𝒰 )) :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem((M → (M → M)), Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(eqM, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(eqM), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(M, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(@a), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(mul), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(@a), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(mul), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) }, Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(e_r, AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(mul, AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem((M → (M → 𝒰 )), Typs)), InitialVal(Elem(e_l, AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, M :: HNil))), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms)), ...
extras -- initEls
res44: Set[VarVal[_]] = Set()
val sd = implicitly[StateDistribution[TermState, FiniteDistribution]]
sd: StateDistribution[TermState, FiniteDistribution] = provingground.learning.TermState$$anon$1@5311ab99
val zeroVals = initEls.filter{case InitialVal(Elem(x, rv)) => sd.value(ts)(rv)(x) == 0}
zeroVals: Set[InitialVal[Any]] = Set( InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(@a), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(@a), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)) )
val withZero = eqs.filter(eq => varVals(eq.rhs).intersect( => x : VarVal[_])).nonEmpty)
withZero: Set[EquationTerm] = Set( EquationTerm( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(@a, Terms), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), Product(IsleScale(@a, Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms))) ), EquationTerm( InitialVal( InIsle(Elem(@a, Terms), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(M, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle)) ), Product(IsleScale(@a, Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms))) ), EquationTerm( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(@a, Terms), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → 𝒰 )), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), Product(IsleScale(@a, Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms))) ), EquationTerm( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(@a, Terms), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), Product(IsleScale(@a, Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms))) ), EquationTerm( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(@a, Terms), @a, Island( AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → 𝒰 )) :: HNil), ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → 𝒰 )), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ...
val atoms = ats.union(lefts)
atoms: Set[Expression] = Set( FinalVal(Elem((@a : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }) ↦ @a, Terms)), InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ), InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ), FinalVal( Elem( ((M → (M → 𝒰 )) → ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }), Typs ) ), FinalVal( ...
import ExpressionEval._
import ExpressionEval._
val init = initMap(atoms, tg, ts)
init: Map[Expression, Double] = Map( IsleScale(@a, Elem(mul, Terms)) -> 0.7, InitialVal(Elem(mul, Terms)) -> 0.3333333333333333, InitialVal(Elem(e_r, Terms)) -> 0.047619047619047616, IsleScale(@a, Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}), Funcs)) -> 0.7, Coeff( BaseThenCondition( ZipMapOpt(UnifApplnOpt, Funcs, Terms, Terms), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil), Filter(WithTyp((M → (M → M)))) ), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil) ) -> 0.1, Coeff( BaseThenCondition(ZipMapOpt(UnifApplnOpt, TypFamilies, Terms, Terms), Typs, Restrict(TypOpt)), Typs ) -> 0.1, InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}, Terms)) -> 0.047619047619047616, InitialVal( Elem( Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil) ) ) -> 0.052631578947368425, IsleScale(@a, Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}), Funcs)) -> 0.7, InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}, Terms)) -> 0.047619047619047616, Coeff( BaseThenCondition( FiberProductMap(domOf, TermsWithTyp, Appln, Funcs, Terms), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, M :: HNil), Filter(WithTyp(M)) ), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, M :: HNil) ) -> 0.1, Coeff(BaseThenCondition(FlatMap(Typs, LambdaIsle, Terms), Funcs, Restrict(FuncOpt)), Funcs) -> 0.1, IsleScale(@a, Elem(e_l, Terms)) -> 0.7, IsleScale(@a, Elem(eqM, Terms)) -> 0.7, IsleScale(@a, Elem(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, Typs)) -> 0.7, IsleScale(@a, Elem(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, Typs)) -> 0.7, IsleScale(@a, Elem(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}, Terms)) -> 0.7, InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, M :: HNil))) -> 0.052631578947368425, IsleScale(@a, Elem(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}, Terms)) -> 0.7, InitialVal(Elem(eqM, AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → 𝒰 )) :: HNil))) -> 1.0, IsleScale(@a, Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms)) -> 0.7, InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}), Funcs)) -> 0.05263157894736841, InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}, Terms)) -> 0.047619047619047616, ...
res51: Int = 187
val m2 = nextMap(init, eqgs)
m2: Map[Expression, Double] = Map( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) -> 0.036842105263157884, InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) -> 0.033333333333333326, InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(e_l, Terms), @a, Island( AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → 𝒰 )) :: HNil), ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → 𝒰 )), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) -> 0.033333333333333326, IsleScale(@a, Elem(mul, Terms)) -> 0.7, InitialVal(Elem(mul, Terms)) -> 0.3333333333333333, FinalVal(Elem(mul, Terms)) -> 0.18333333333333335, InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(@a), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) -> 0.3, InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(e_r, Terms), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ...
res53: Int = 387
val m3 = nextMap(m2, eqgs)
m3: Map[Expression, Double] = Map( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) -> 0.036842105263157884, FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) -> 0.020263157894736837, FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) -> 0.01833333333333333, InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) -> 0.033333333333333326, FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(e_l, Terms), @a, Island( AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → 𝒰 )) :: HNil), ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → 𝒰 )), 0.3), ...
res55: Int = 573
res56: Int = 772
atoms -- m3.keys
res57: Set[Expression] = Set( FinalVal(Elem((@a : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }) ↦ @a, Terms)), FinalVal( Elem( ((M → (M → 𝒰 )) → ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }), Typs ) ), FinalVal( Elem( ((M → (M → M)) → ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }), Typs ) ), FinalVal( Elem( ($stt : M) ↦ axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}(mul(e_r)(e_r))(e_r)($stt)(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}(e_r)), Terms ) ), FinalVal(Elem((_ : ∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) }) ↦ axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}, Terms)), FinalVal(Elem((_ : (M → (M → M))) ↦ axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}, Terms)), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}(e_l), Terms), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), FinalVal( Elem(Wrap((_ : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ e_r), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → 𝒰 )) :: HNil)) ), FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}(e_r), Terms), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → 𝒰 )), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), FinalVal(Elem((_ : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }) ↦ mul, Terms)), FinalVal(Elem((M → (M → 𝒰 ))×(M → (M → M)), Typs)), FinalVal(Elem((_ : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }) ↦ axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}, Terms)), FinalVal(Elem((_ : M) ↦ e_r, Terms)), FinalVal( Elem((_ : ∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) }) ↦ axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}, Terms) ), FinalVal( Elem( ...
res58: Set[Double] = Set( 0.057142857142857134, 0.028947368421052635, 0.16500000000000004, 0.3, 0.6, 0.028571428571428567, 1.0, 0.09523809523809523, 0.033333333333333326, 0.06666666666666665, 0.052631578947368425, 0.047619047619047616, 0.3333333333333333, 0.08250000000000002, 0.7, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 0.18333333333333335, 0.36842105263157887, 0.19999999999999998, 0.55, 0.028947368421052628, 0.05263157894736841, 0.20263157894736838, 0.2578947368421052, 0.036842105263157884, 0.2333333333333333, 0.4285714285714286, 0.3684210526315789, 0.2026315789473684, 0.02619047619047619, 0.30000000000000004 )
res59: Map[Expression, Double] = Map( Coeff( BaseThenCondition( ZipMapOpt(UnifApplnOpt, Funcs, Terms, Terms), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil), Filter(WithTyp((M → (M → M)))) ), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil) ) -> 0.1, Coeff( BaseThenCondition(ZipMapOpt(UnifApplnOpt, TypFamilies, Terms, Terms), Typs, Restrict(TypOpt)), Typs ) -> 0.1, Coeff( BaseThenCondition( FiberProductMap(domOf, TermsWithTyp, Appln, Funcs, Terms), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, M :: HNil), Filter(WithTyp(M)) ), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, M :: HNil) ) -> 0.1, Coeff(BaseThenCondition(FlatMap(Typs, LambdaIsle, Terms), Funcs, Restrict(FuncOpt)), Funcs) -> 0.1, Coeff(ZipFlatMap(TargetTyps, TermsWithTyp, Proj2, Terms), Terms) -> 0.05, Coeff( FlatMap(Typs, provingground.learning.TermGeneratorNodes$$Lambda$2282/1458646167@3b664a79, Typs), Typs ) -> 0.1, Coeff( Island( AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil), ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ), AtCoord(FuncsWithDomain, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil) ) -> 0.1, Coeff( BaseThenCondition( FiberProductMap(domOf, TermsWithTyp, Appln, Funcs, Terms), Funcs, Restrict(FuncOpt) ), Funcs ) -> 0.1, Coeff( Init(AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil)), AtCoord(TermsWithTyp, (M → (M → M)) :: HNil) ...
val m4 = nextMap(m3, eqgs)
m4: Map[Expression, Double] = Map( FinalVal(Elem((@a : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }) ↦ @a, Terms)) -> 0.0165, InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) -> 0.036842105263157884, FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) -> 0.020263157894736837, FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) -> 0.01833333333333333, InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) -> 0.033333333333333326, FinalVal( Elem( ((M → (M → 𝒰 )) → ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }), Typs ) ) -> 0.0019999999999999996, FinalVal( ...
res61: Int = 757
val m5 = nextMap(m4, eqgs)
m5: Map[Expression, Double] = Map( FinalVal(Elem((@a : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }) ↦ @a, Terms)) -> 0.01652355461584635, InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) -> 0.036842105263157884, FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) -> 0.020263157894736837, FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) -> 0.01833333333333333, InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) -> 0.033333333333333326, FinalVal( Elem( ((M → (M → 𝒰 )) → ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }), Typs ) ) -> 0.0019999999999999996, FinalVal( ...
res63: Int = 768
atoms -- m5.keySet
res64: Set[Expression] = Set( FinalVal(Elem((@a : (M → (M → M))) ↦ @a(e_r), Terms)), FinalVal(Elem((@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a(e_r), Terms)), FinalVal(Elem((@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a(e_l), Terms)), FinalVal(Elem((@a : (M → (M → M))) ↦ @a(e_l), Terms)) )
val zeroE = eqgs.filter(eq => !m5.keySet(eq.lhs))
zeroE: Set[Equation] = Set( Equation( FinalVal(Elem((@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a(e_l), Terms)), Product( Product( Coeff(ZipMapOpt(UnifApplnOpt, Funcs, Terms, Terms), Terms), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap((@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a), Funcs)) ), FinalVal(Elem(e_l, Terms)) ) ), Equation( FinalVal(Elem((@a : (M → (M → M))) ↦ @a(e_l), Terms)), Product( Product( Coeff(ZipMapOpt(UnifApplnOpt, Funcs, Terms, Terms), Terms), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap((@a : (M → (M → M))) ↦ @a), Funcs)) ), FinalVal(Elem(e_l, Terms)) ) ), Equation( FinalVal(Elem((@a : (M → (M → M))) ↦ @a(e_r), Terms)), Product( Product( Coeff(ZipMapOpt(UnifApplnOpt, Funcs, Terms, Terms), Terms), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap((@a : (M → (M → M))) ↦ @a), Funcs)) ), FinalVal(Elem(e_r, Terms)) ) ), Equation( FinalVal(Elem((@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a(e_r), Terms)), Product( Product( Coeff(ZipMapOpt(UnifApplnOpt, Funcs, Terms, Terms), Terms), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap((@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a), Funcs)) ), FinalVal(Elem(e_r, Terms)) ) ) )
res66: Expression = Product( Product( Coeff(ZipMapOpt(UnifApplnOpt, Funcs, Terms, Terms), Terms), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap((@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a), Funcs)) ), FinalVal(Elem(e_l, Terms)) )
val x = Expression.atoms(zeroE.head.rhs).filter(exp => recExp(m4, exp) == 0).head
x: Expression = FinalVal(Elem(Wrap((@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a), Funcs))
eqgs.find(_.lhs == x)
res68: Option[Equation] = Some( Equation( FinalVal(Elem(Wrap((@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a), Funcs)), Quotient( FinalVal(Elem((@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a, Terms)), FinalVal(Event(Terms, Restrict(FuncOpt))) ) ) )
val ts = Expression.atoms(eqgs.find(_.lhs == x).get.rhs).toVector
ts: Vector[Expression] = Vector( FinalVal(Elem((@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a, Terms)), FinalVal(Event(Terms, Restrict(FuncOpt))) )
res70: Vector[Option[Double]] = Vector(Some(0.033), None)
val eventEq = eqgs.find(_.lhs == ts(1)).get
eventEq: Equation = Equation( FinalVal(Event(Terms, Restrict(FuncOpt))), Sum( Sum( Sum( Sum( Sum( Sum( Sum( Sum( Sum( FinalVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}(e_r)), Funcs)), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap(eqM(e_l)), Funcs)) ), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap(eqM(e_r)), Funcs)) ), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}(e_r)), Funcs)) ), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap(mul(e_l)), Funcs)) ), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}(e_l)), Funcs)) ), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}(e_l)), Funcs)) ), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap(mul(e_r)), Funcs)) ), Sum( FinalVal(Elem(Wrap((@a : (M → (M → M))) ↦ @a), Funcs)), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap((@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a), Funcs)) ) ), Sum( Sum( Sum(FinalVal(Elem(Wrap(mul(e_l)), Funcs)), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap(eqM(e_l)), Funcs))), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap(mul(e_r)), Funcs)) ), FinalVal(Elem(Wrap(eqM(e_r)), Funcs)) ) ) )
val m6 = nextMap(m5, eqgs)
m6: Map[Expression, Double] = Map( FinalVal(Elem((@a : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }) ↦ @a, Terms)) -> 0.016535378155739335, InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) -> 0.036842105263157884, FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) -> 0.020263157894736837, FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) -> 0.01833333333333333, InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) -> 0.033333333333333326, FinalVal( Elem( ((M → (M → 𝒰 )) → ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }), Typs ) ) -> 0.0019999999999999996, FinalVal( ...
res73: Int = 772
atoms -- m6.keySet
res74: Set[Expression] = Set()
val ms = stableSupportMap(init, eqgs)
ms: Map[Expression, Double] = Map( FinalVal(Elem((@a : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }) ↦ @a, Terms)) -> 0.016541309982685166, InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) -> 0.036842105263157884, FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) -> 0.020263157894736837, FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) -> 0.01833333333333333, InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) -> 0.033333333333333326, FinalVal( Elem( ((M → (M → 𝒰 )) → ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }), Typs ) ) -> 0.0019999999999999996, FinalVal( ...
val m100 = iterateMap(ms, eqgs, 100)
m100: Map[Expression, Double] = Map( FinalVal(Elem((@a : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }) ↦ @a, Terms)) -> 0.016547277936962753, InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) -> 0.036842105263157884, FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) -> 0.020263157894736837, FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) -> 0.01833333333333333, InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) -> 0.033333333333333326, FinalVal( Elem( ((M → (M → 𝒰 )) → ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }), Typs ) ) -> 0.0019999999999999996, FinalVal( ...
val m200 = iterateMap(m100, eqgs, 100)
m200: Map[Expression, Double] = Map( FinalVal(Elem((@a : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }) ↦ @a, Terms)) -> 0.016547277936962753, InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) -> 0.036842105263157884, FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) -> 0.020263157894736837, FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) -> 0.01833333333333333, InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) -> 0.033333333333333326, FinalVal( Elem( ((M → (M → 𝒰 )) → ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }), Typs ) ) -> 0.0019999999999999996, FinalVal( ...
mapRatio(m100, m200)
res78: Double = 1.0000000000000009
mapRatio(ms, m100)
res79: Double = 2.0112732240884026
res80: Set[InitialVal[Any]] = Set( InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(@a), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(@a), Funcs)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)), InitialVal(Elem(@a, Terms)) ){case InitialVal(elem : Elem[_]) => isIsleVar(elem)}
res81: Set[Boolean] = Set(true)
val ins = TermState(dist1,
val fsT = tg.nextStateTask(ins, 0.001)
val fs = fsT.runSyncUnsafe()
ins: TermState = TermState( FiniteDistribution( Vector( Weighted(e_l, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(e_r, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(mul, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(eqM, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(eqM, 0.2857142857142857), Weighted(mul, 0.2857142857142857) ) ), FiniteDistribution( Vector( Weighted(M, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(M, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted((M → (M → M)), 0.047619047619047616), Weighted((M → (M → 𝒰 )), 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) }, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted( ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }, 0.047619047619047616 ), Weighted(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted((M → (M → 𝒰 )), 0.2857142857142857), Weighted((M → (M → M)), 0.2857142857142857) ) ), Vector(), FiniteDistribution(Vector()), FiniteDistribution(Vector()), Empty ) fsT: monix.eval.Task[TermState] = FlatMap( FlatMap(Async(<function2>, true, true, true), monix.eval.Task$$Lambda$2530/1333989368@2030de41), provingground.learning.TermGenParams$$Lambda$3341/1899735046@45f00ab8 ) fs: TermState = TermState( FiniteDistribution( Vector( Weighted(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}, 0.029778252577854582), Weighted(mul(e_r)(e_l), 0.0053934227946860315), Weighted(eqM(e_r)(e_r), 0.0053934227946860315), Weighted((_ : ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }) ↦ eqM, 0.0011761943024481748), Weighted((_ : (M → (M → M))) ↦ axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}, 0.0011761943024481746), Weighted((_ : ∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) }) ↦ mul, 0.0011761943024481748), Weighted(eqM(e_r)(e_l), 0.0053934227946860315), Weighted((_ : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, 0.0011761943024481746), Weighted(mul(e_r), 0.02478994011666693), Weighted(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}, 0.029778252577854582), Weighted((_ : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }) ↦ mul, 0.0011761943024481748), Weighted((@a : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }) ↦ @a, 0.0015122498174333678), Weighted((@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a(e_r), 0.0023589908047798197), Weighted((_ : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ e_l, 0.0011761943024481746), Weighted(eqM(e_l)(e_l), 0.0053934227946860315), Weighted( (_ : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}, 0.0011761943024481746 ), Weighted((@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a(e_l), 0.0023589908047798197), Weighted(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}(e_r), 0.003541420016666704), Weighted(axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}, 0.029778252577854582), Weighted( (_ : ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }) ↦ mul, 0.0011761943024481748 ), Weighted(mul, 0.24983231236562614), Weighted(eqM(e_r), 0.02478994011666693), Weighted( (@a : ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }) ↦ @a, 0.0015122498174333675 ), Weighted((_ : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ eqM, 0.008233360117137222), Weighted(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}(e_r), 0.003541420016666704), Weighted( (_ : ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }) ↦ eqM, 0.0011761943024481748 ), Weighted((@a : M) ↦ @a, 0.0030244996348667355), Weighted(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}(e_l), 0.003541420016666704), Weighted((@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a, 0.010585748722033573), Weighted((@a : ∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) }) ↦ @a, 0.0015122498174333678), Weighted((_ : (M → (M → M))) ↦ axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}, 0.0011761943024481746), Weighted(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, 0.029778252577854582), Weighted(e_l, 0.033331339533166776), Weighted(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}, 0.029778252577854582), ...
val expEv = ExpressionEval.fromStates(ins, fs, eqgs, tg)
expEv: ExpressionEval = ExpressionEval( TermState( FiniteDistribution( Vector( Weighted(e_l, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(e_r, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(mul, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(eqM, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(eqM, 0.2857142857142857), Weighted(mul, 0.2857142857142857) ) ), FiniteDistribution( Vector( Weighted(M, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(M, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted((M → (M → M)), 0.047619047619047616), Weighted((M → (M → 𝒰 )), 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) }, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted( ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }, 0.047619047619047616 ), Weighted(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }, 0.047619047619047616), Weighted((M → (M → 𝒰 )), 0.2857142857142857), Weighted((M → (M → M)), 0.2857142857142857) ) ), Vector(), FiniteDistribution(Vector()), FiniteDistribution(Vector()), Empty ), TermState( FiniteDistribution( Vector( Weighted(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}, 0.029778252577854582), Weighted(mul(e_r)(e_l), 0.0053934227946860315), Weighted(eqM(e_r)(e_r), 0.0053934227946860315), Weighted((_ : ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }) ↦ eqM, 0.0011761943024481748), Weighted((_ : (M → (M → M))) ↦ axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}, 0.0011761943024481746), ...
res84: Expression = Sum( Sum( Sum( Sum( Sum( Sum( Sum( Sum( Product( Product(InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}, Terms)), Literal(-1.0)), Log(InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}, Terms))) ), Product( Product( InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}, Terms)), Literal(-1.0) ), Log(InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}, Terms))) ) ), Product( Product(InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}, Terms)), Literal(-1.0)), Log(InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a)}, Terms))) ) ), Product( Product(InitialVal(Elem(mul, Terms)), Literal(-1.0)), Log(InitialVal(Elem(mul, Terms))) ) ), Product( Product(InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms)), Literal(-1.0)), Log(InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms))) ) ), Product( Product(InitialVal(Elem(e_l, Terms)), Literal(-1.0)), Log(InitialVal(Elem(e_l, Terms))) ) ), Product( Product(InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}, Terms)), Literal(-1.0)), Log(InitialVal(Elem(axiom_{eqM(a)(a)}, Terms))) ) ), Product(Product(InitialVal(Elem(eqM, Terms)), Literal(-1.0)), Log(InitialVal(Elem(eqM, Terms)))) ), Product(Product(InitialVal(Elem(e_r, Terms)), Literal(-1.0)), Log(InitialVal(Elem(e_r, Terms)))) )
val v = expEv.entropyProjection()(m200)
v: Vector[Double] = Vector( -4.9763786428984865E-8, 4.304068722953969E-4, 7.825579496279935E-4, -0.007865854590058665, -0.0043262200245322785, -6.6252189744191E-8, -6.625218974419076E-8, -7.330142310666104E-5, -0.0038753621373031275, -0.007046112976914767, -4.326220024532279E-4, -9.225422040748262E-4, -1.8508707244961254E-4, -3.875362137303129E-4, -0.01104766870010009, -0.01935346292461547, 1.7524021516971672E-6, 3.1861857303584815E-6, -0.007046112976914766, -0.003875362137303117, -1.7822492002662562E-4, -7.843743637793382E-4, -7.819762275242176E-6, -0.005535136690582533, -0.010065875681306813, -4.3262200245322737E-4, -3.875362137303143E-4, -4.3262200245322764E-4, -8.184021850128861E-5, -0.0061803143207604045, -0.011236935128655237, -7.843743637793366E-4, -0.004326220024532275, -0.007865854590058684, 1.2054336828801602E-4, 2.1916976052367254E-4, 4.739556688640917E-10, 8.61737579752899E-10, -0.004326220024532278, -0.007865854590058676, -3.46170946598965E-4, -0.007865854590058667, -0.004326220024532272, -0.003196253246208674, -0.001357545744697577, -0.002468264990359229, -9.225422040748282E-4, -6.625218974419083E-7, ...
val grad = expEv.variableIndex.mapValues(j => v(j))
grad: Map[Expression, Double] = Map( FinalVal(Elem((@a : ∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }) ↦ @a, Terms)) -> -4.9763786428984865E-8, FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) -> 4.304068722953969E-4, InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ) -> 7.825579496279935E-4, InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) -> -0.007865854590058665, FinalVal( InIsle( Elem(axiom_{eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a)}, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ) -> -0.0043262200245322785, FinalVal( Elem( ((M → (M → 𝒰 )) → ∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ ∏(c : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → (eqM(b)(c) → eqM(a)(c))) } } }), Typs ) ) -> -6.6252189744191E-8, FinalVal( ...
grad.toVector.sortBy{case (_, p) => - math.abs(p)}
res87: Vector[(Expression, Double)] = Vector( (InitialVal(Elem(eqM, Terms)), -0.019353462924615473), (InitialVal(Elem(mul, Terms)), -0.01935346292461547), ( InitialVal( InIsle(Elem(eqM, Terms), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(M, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle)) ), -0.013547424047230871 ), ( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(mul, Terms), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), -0.013547424047230843 ), ( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(mul, Terms), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ eqM(a)(a) }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), -0.013547424047230833 ), ( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(mul, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle ) ) ), -0.013547424047230833 ), ( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(eqM, Terms), ...
res88: spire.math.Jet[Double] = Jet( 3.119162312519754, Array( -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.07671320486001368, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.07671320486001368, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.07671320486001368, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, ...
res89: spire.math.Jet[Double] = Jet( -1.9624979394717363, Array( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -9.191501396401179E-4, 0.0, 0.0, -0.12439165223129593, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -9.191501396401179E-4, 0.0, -0.005923412011014092, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.017770236033042276, 0.0, -9.191501396401179E-4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.018838158871566455, 0.0, 0.0, ...
import spire.algebra._
import spire.implicits._
import spire.algebra._ import spire.implicits._ res90_2: Double = 0.1112345315327967
val vv = expEv.entropyProjection()(expEv.finalDist)
vv: Vector[Double] = Vector( -4.9763786428984865E-8, 4.304068722953969E-4, 7.825579496279935E-4, -0.007865854590058665, -0.0043262200245322785, -6.6252189744191E-8, -6.625218974419076E-8, -7.330142310666104E-5, -0.0038753621373031275, -0.007046112976914767, -4.326220024532279E-4, -9.225422040748262E-4, -1.8508707244961254E-4, -3.875362137303129E-4, -0.01104766870010009, -0.01935346292461547, 1.7524021516971672E-6, 3.1861857303584815E-6, -0.007046112976914766, -0.003875362137303117, -1.7822492002662562E-4, -7.843743637793382E-4, -7.819762275242176E-6, -0.005535136690582533, -0.010065875681306813, -4.3262200245322737E-4, -3.875362137303143E-4, -4.3262200245322764E-4, -8.184021850128861E-5, -0.0061803143207604045, -0.011236935128655237, -7.843743637793366E-4, -0.004326220024532275, -0.007865854590058684, 1.2054336828801602E-4, 2.1916976052367254E-4, 4.739556688640917E-10, 8.61737579752899E-10, -0.004326220024532278, -0.007865854590058676, -3.46170946598965E-4, -0.007865854590058667, -0.004326220024532272, -0.003196253246208674, -0.001357545744697577, -0.002468264990359229, -9.225422040748282E-4, -6.625218974419083E-7, ...
res92: Double = 0.1112345315327967
val best = expEv.vars.zipWithIndex.sortBy{case (v, n) => -vv(n)}.map{case (v, n) => (v, vv(n))}
best: Vector[(Expression, Double)] = Vector( (FinalVal(Elem(Wrap((@a : (M → (M → M))) ↦ @a), Funcs)), 0.0030554265290708275), (FinalVal(Elem(Wrap((@a : (M → (M → 𝒰 ))) ↦ @a), Funcs)), 0.0030554265290708062), (InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(eqM), Funcs)), 0.0016881778689094718), ( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(eqM), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), 0.0011817245082366306 ), ( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(eqM), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → 𝒰 )), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), 0.001181724508236628 ), ( InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs)), 0.0011179399280399904 ), (InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(mul), Funcs)), 0.0011032460029815274), (FinalVal(Elem(Wrap(eqM), Funcs)), 9.284978279002059E-4), (InitialVal(Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to eqM(b)(a))}), Funcs)), 8.074382773262631E-4), ( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → 𝒰 )), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), 7.825579496279936E-4 ), ( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(Wrap(axiom_{(eqM(a)(b) \to (eqM(b)(c) \to eqM(a)(c)))}), Funcs), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → M)), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), ...
res94: Vector[(Expression, Double)] = Vector( (InitialVal(Elem(eqM, Terms)), -0.019353462924615473), (InitialVal(Elem(mul, Terms)), -0.01935346292461547), ( InitialVal( InIsle(Elem(eqM, Terms), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(M, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle)) ), -0.013547424047230871 ), ( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(mul, Terms), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(e_l)(a))(a) }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), -0.013547424047230843 ), ( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(eqM, Terms), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar((M → (M → 𝒰 )), 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), -0.013547424047230833 ), ( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(eqM, Terms), @a, Island(Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ eqM(mul(a)(e_r))(a) }, 0.3), Lambda, InIsle) ) ), -0.013547424047230833 ), ( InitialVal( InIsle( Elem(mul, Terms), @a, Island( Terms, ConstRandVar(Terms), AddVar(∏(a : M){ ∏(b : M){ (eqM(a)(b) → eqM(b)(a)) } }, 0.3), Lambda, ...