



package translation

Translation primarily using a functorial framework - see Translator$, for natural language processing as well as serialization, formatted output, parsing, interface with formal languages etc.

Besides the Translator framework and helper typeclasses is Functors, several structures for concrete languages including our implementation of HoTT are in this package.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. translation
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. case class CodeGen(inducNames: (Term) => Option[Term] = (_) => None, defns: Map[String, Term] = Map()) extends Product with Serializable
  2. trait CompositeFunctors extends AnyRef

    lower priority Functor and Traverese type classes to be extended in Functors

  3. trait ConeRestriction[X[_], Y[_], G[_]] extends AnyRef

    restriction of cone on functors

  4. trait ContextTranslator[I, O, X[_], Ctx[_, _]] extends (Ctx[I, O]) => (X[I]) => Option[X[O]]

    context dependent version of Translator

  5. trait Domain[E] extends AnyRef
  6. trait Equiv[X[_], Y[_]] extends AnyRef

    Equivalence of Functors (without laws)

  7. class ExprApplnOps[E] extends AnyRef
  8. trait ExprLang[E] extends AnyRef

    Abstraction (as a type class) of a language for mathematical expressions, i.e., of

    Abstraction (as a type class) of a language for mathematical expressions, i.e., of

    * methods for forming expressions, * some basic expressions such as true, false, numbers etc.

    Expression include functions and propositions. However, expressions here need not include sophisticated, and foundation specific, constructions such as inductive types; these should be abstracted separately.

    While the design is based on homotopy type theory, implementations can be with a range of logics or functional languages, for instance HOL or the Wolfram language. All methods are optional, so anything outside a language is just not built.

    This is integrated with and used by many components.

    * As a target for natural language and latex translation. * Bidirectional integration with HoTT implementations: * * terms have such a structure, * * terms can be translated to a language with this structure. * Allows pickling of terms by implementing a formal expression language. * _Goal:_ Bidirectional integration with lean expressions.

  9. trait ExprPatterns[E] extends AnyRef
  10. trait FansiShow[-U] extends AnyRef
  11. trait FoldedTerm[U <: Term with Subs[U]] extends Term
  12. trait FormulaParser[E] extends AnyRef
  13. sealed trait FreeExpr extends AnyRef
  14. case class HoTTParser(ctx: Context = Context.Empty, contextMap: Map[String, Context] = Map()) extends Product with Serializable
  15. trait Inclusion[X[_], Y[_]] extends AnyRef

    inclusion of functors

  16. sealed trait MathExpr extends AnyRef

    Expression in a language to represent terms in HoTT and trees representing them in prose, including partially collapsed trees.

    Expression in a language to represent terms in HoTT and trees representing them in prose, including partially collapsed trees. At the level of structure, we do not make distinctions between words and phrases; the distinction is specific to trees, where a word is a leaf.

    We model expressions that will mostly become Terms in HoTT, mostly following Naproche. At the upper level are sentential phrases. We typically start with a tree that encodes a sentential phrase.

  17. trait MathReader[D, E] extends AnyRef
  18. sealed trait MathText extends AnyRef
  19. trait MathWriter[D, E] extends AnyRef

    Type-class for writing to a document of type D in terms of expressions of type E.

    Type-class for writing to a document of type D in terms of expressions of type E. We can write statements and begin and end blocks. We append to the document, but the document may come with a cursor that allows insertion instead.

  20. trait NestedDoc[T] extends AnyRef
  21. trait OptRestriction[X[_], Y[_]] extends ConeRestriction[X, Y, Option]

    restriction on optional functor

  22. abstract class QuasiInclHList[X, Y, F[_] <: HList] extends QuasiInclusion[X, Y, F]

    inclusion of type Y in F(X) with F(_) an HList

  23. abstract class QuasiInclusion[X, Y, F[_]] extends AnyRef

    inclusion of type Y in F(X)

  24. trait QuasiProjection[X, Y] extends AnyRef

    projection of X onto Y

  25. case class Raw(model: TreeModel) extends MathText with MathExpr with Product with Serializable

    An unparsed tree, the default parse for iterative debugging.

  26. sealed trait Scoped[S] extends AnyRef
  27. sealed trait ShapeTree extends AnyRef
  28. class ShapeTreeFormat extends TermRec[ShapeTree]
  29. trait Statement[E] extends AnyRef

    A statement obtained from source which affects a document.

  30. trait SubType[X[_], Y[_]] extends Inclusion[X, Y] with OptRestriction[X, Y]

    subtype relation between functors, giving inclusion and optional restriction, explicit, not depending on scala type checking

  31. class SubTypePattern[X, Y, F[_]] extends AnyRef

    Pattern and builder for matching whether, for a term x: X, F(x) is in the subtype Y.

    Pattern and builder for matching whether, for a term x: X, F(x) is in the subtype Y. Here Y is not just a scala subtype, but we have inclusions and projections making it a direct summand.

  32. class TermParser extends JavaTokenParsers

  33. trait TermRec[U] extends AnyRef
  34. class TermToExpr[E] extends AnyRef
  35. trait Translator[I, O] extends (I) => Option[O]

    Translator from an input I to an output O, designed to be built recursively.

    Translator from an input I to an output O, designed to be built recursively.

    Translation by Splitting and joining

    The most import class of translators are constructed from

    * a split map I => Option[X], where X is obtained from I by taking Tuples, Lists and sub-types

    * a join map Y => Option[O], where Y is obtained from O structurally, in the same way as X is obtained from I, e.g. X = (I, I) and Y = (O, O).

    However X and Y may involve taking sub-types independently of each other.

    Such a translator splits an input, recursively translates X to Y and combines the result with the join (all steps work optionally).

    Combinations, Basic Translators

    Translators are built by combining others by OrElse, starting with basic translators specified by a function I => Option[O]. One can instead start with an empty translator.

    Note that we can restrict the domain or extend the codomain of a translator by just using it as a function I => Option[O]. However this should be done after making all OrElse combinations, as the wrapped translator does not combine recursively.

    A typical example of usage is as below

    scala> import provingground._
    import provingground._
    scala> import translation._, Translator._
    import translation._
    import Translator._
    scala> import cats._, cats.implicits._
    import cats._
    import cats.implicits._
    scala> class A
    defined class A
    scala> case class B(x: A, y: A) extends A
    defined class B
    scala> case class C(x: A, y: A) extends A
    defined class C
    scala> case object D extends A
    defined object D
    scala> import Functors._
    import Functors._
    scala> val Bpat = Pattern.partial[A, II]{case B(x, y) => (x, y)}
    scala> val Dpat = Pattern.partial[A, Un]{case D => ()}
    scala> case object E extends A
    defined object E
    scala> val trans = Translator.Empty[A, A] || Bpat >>> {case (x, y) => C(x,y)} || Dpat >>> {case _ => E}
    trans: provingground.translation.Translator.OrElse[A,A] = <function1>
    scala> trans(B(B(D, D), B(B(D, D), D)))
    res0: Option[A] = Some(C(C(E,E),C(C(E,E),E)))
    scala> trans(C(D, D))
    res1: Option[A] = None
  36. sealed trait TreeModel extends AnyRef
  37. trait Vocabulary[E, C] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object CodeGen extends Serializable
  2. object ContextTranslator
  3. object CoreNLP

    direct interface to the Stanford parser; the StanfordParser object which handles LaTeX is used instead.

  4. object CoreNLPTest
  5. object Equiv
  6. object ExprEgs

    Examples to experiment and illustrate expression level NLP parsing Issues revealed:

    Examples to experiment and illustrate expression level NLP parsing Issues revealed:

    • Cardinals should be treated as determiners
    • determiners in a phrase e.g. 'divides some ...' need special rules
    • useless 'then'
    • primes is tagged as a verb, not a noun
    • in 'are represented by ...', 'represented by ...'
    • copula followed by an adjectival phrase is mishandled
    • TeX fragment that is part of a word gives error.
  7. object ExprLang
  8. object FansiShow
  9. object FansiTranslate
  10. object FormalExpr
  11. object FreeExpr
  12. object FreeExprHLPatterns
  13. object FreeExprPatterns
  14. object Functors extends CompositeFunctors

    Functor and Traverse typeclasses for Tuples, HLists and Compositions of Functors, and for Constant functors.

    Functor and Traverse typeclasses for Tuples, HLists and Compositions of Functors, and for Constant functors.

    To work around ambiguity in inference, for example so that the type of iterated triples is interpreted as III(A) = (II(A), Id(A)), not III(A) = ((A, A), A) several functors are explicitly named with the appropriate structure.

  15. object HoTTParser extends Serializable
  16. object Inclusion
  17. object MathExpr

    Expression in a language to represent terms in HoTT and trees representing them in prose, including partially collapsed trees.

    Expression in a language to represent terms in HoTT and trees representing them in prose, including partially collapsed trees. At the level of structure, we do not make distinctions between words and phrases; the distinction is specific to trees, where a word is a leaf.

    We model expressions that will mostly become Terms in HoTT, mostly following Naproche. At the upper level are sentential phrases. We typically start with a tree that encodes a sentential phrase.

    We have various case classes for syntax, but a single trait

  18. object MathReader
  19. object MathText
  20. object MathWriter
  21. object NestedDoc
  22. object NlpProse

    Stanford dependency trees and associated methods

  23. object OptRestriction
  24. object PennTrees
  25. object QuasiInclusion
  26. object QuasiProjection
  27. object Raw extends Serializable
  28. object RefineTerms
  29. object Scoped
  30. object Script
  31. object ShapeTree
  32. object SpecialTerms
  33. object StanfordParser

    Interface to the Stanford parser, handling (inline) TeX by separating tokenizing and POS tagging from parsing.

    Interface to the Stanford parser, handling (inline) TeX by separating tokenizing and POS tagging from parsing. Parsing is done by the texParse method

  34. object Statement
  35. object StringParse

  36. object SubTypePattern
  37. object TeXTranslate
  38. case object TermLang extends ExprLang[Term] with Domain[Term] with ExprPatterns[Term] with Product with Serializable
  39. object TermPatterns

    Patterns, in the sense of Translator.Pattern, as well as some builders for various kinds of HoTT terms.

    Patterns, in the sense of Translator.Pattern, as well as some builders for various kinds of HoTT terms. Includes matching recursively and inductively defined functions.

  40. object TermShapeTree extends ShapeTreeFormat
  41. object TermToExpr
  42. object TestTrait
  43. object TextToInt

    Converts prose numbers to Integers without checking for bad cases

  44. object Translator

    General functorial framework for translation.

    General functorial framework for translation.

    Translators with I the input type and O the output type are primarily built from Junctions

    • a pattern which map I => Option[X[O]], with X[_] a functor with traverse, e.g. a tuple or a vector.
    • a builder O => Option[I] to avoid having to specify types too many types, traits Pattern and Builder are defined.

    We also have simpler translators for literals and also wrapping translators for a component type.

  45. object TreeModel
  46. object TreePatterns
  47. object TreeToMath

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object XmlParse

    (Since version call parser directly) 0.1

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
