List of Seminars. Latest seminars first.

Dec 22, 2022 Pankaj Vishe (Durham University, UK) A two dimensional version of the delta method and applications to quadratic forms
Dec 16, 2022 Ilias S. Kotsireas (Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada) Legendre Pairs: old and new results/conjectures and the road ahead
Dec 14, 2022 Rohini Ramadas (Warwick Mathematics Institute, UK) Complex dynamics: degenerations, and irreducibility problems
Dec 14, 2022 Rob Silversmith (Warwick Mathematics Institute, UK) Cross-ratios and perfect matchings
Dec 12, 2022 Saudamini Nayak (Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar) Colloquium: Schur Multipliers and Classification of finite dimensional nilpotent Lie superalgebras
Dec 07, 2022 S. Selvaraja (Chennai Mathematical Institute) Colloquium: Powers of ideals in combinatorics
Dec 02, 2022 Arghya Mondal (Chennai Mathematical Institute) A higher dimensional analog of Margulis’ construction of expanders
Dec 01, 2022 Niranjan Ramachandran (University of Maryland, College Park, USA) Relating the conjectures of Artin-Tate and BSD
Dec 01, 2022 Manil T. Mohan (IIT, Roorkee) Bi-spatial random attractors and ergodicity for stochastic Navier–Stokes equations on the whole space
Nov 30, 2022 Nikhil Savale (Universität zu Köln, Germany) Bergman-Szegő kernel asymptotics in weakly pseudoconvex finite type cases
Nov 28, 2022 Rakesh Kumar (IISER, Thiruvananthapuram) Colloquium: Higher order accurate numerical schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws
Nov 28, 2022 Mansimar Singh (IISc Mathematics) Attaching Galois Representations to Modular Forms of weight 2
Nov 24, 2022 Abhik Ganguli (IISER Mohali) Serre weights of certain mod $p$ Hilbert modular forms
Nov 23, 2022 Lars Martin Sektnan (Chalmers) The Optimal Symplectic Connection equation and stability of fibrations
Nov 18, 2022 Gopinath Sahoo (Bennett University, Noida) Colloquium: Complex adjacency spectra of (multi)digraphs
Nov 16, 2022 Viveka Erlandsson (U Bristol) Reciprocal geodesics and dihedral subgroups of lattices in PSL(2, R)
Nov 16, 2022 Tuhin Ghosh (Universität Bielefeld, Germany) Colloquium: Nonlocal Calderón Problem
Nov 16, 2022 Bhaswar Bhattacharya (University of Pennsylvania / Wharton School, Philadelphia, USA) Higher-Order Graphon Theory: Fluctuations and Degeneracies
Nov 16, 2022 Bence Forras (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany) Integrality of smoothed $p$-adic Artin $L$-functions
Nov 14, 2022 Mukesh Kumar Nagar (Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh) Colloquium: GTS Poset and Laplacian Immanants of Trees
Nov 11, 2022 Sushil Singla (IISc Mathematics) Sequence of Toeplitz algebras converge to odd spheres for the quantum Gromov-Hausdorff distance
Nov 09, 2022 Shinpei Baba (Osaka University) Bers’ simultaneous uniformization theorem and the intersection of Poincaré holonomy varieties
Nov 09, 2022 Satadal Ganguly (ISI Kolkata) Counting matrices with Diophantine restrictions on the entries
Nov 04, 2022 Veekesh Kumar (NISER, Bhubaneswar) Colloquium: On inhomogeneous analogue of Thue-Roth's type inequality
Nov 04, 2022 Subhajit Ghosh (Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel) A $q$-analog of the adjacency matrix of the $n$-cube
Nov 02, 2022 Saikat Mazumdar (IIT, Bombay) Stability of the Pohozaev obstruction and Non-existence
Nov 02, 2022 Keshav Aggarwal (Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary) Short second moment and subconvexity for $\mathrm{GL}(3)$ $L$-functions
Nov 02, 2022 Aaron Calderon (U Chicago) Long curves on hyperbolic surfaces and the geometry of their complements
Oct 28, 2022 Thummala Vamsi Krishna (IISc Mathematics) Local Langlands correspondence for GL(1) and GL(2)
Oct 26, 2022 Mohammad Ghomi (Georgia Tech) Geometric inequalities in spaces of nonpositive curvature
Oct 21, 2022 Rahul Biswas (IISc Mathematics) Local Projection Stabilization Methods for the Oseen Problem
Oct 19, 2022 Ryosuke Takahashi (Kyushu University) J-equation on holomorphic vector bundles
Oct 19, 2022 Marie-France Vigneras (Institut de Mathematiques de Jussieu, Paris, France) Dimensions of admissible representations of reductive $p$-adic groups
Oct 12, 2022 Muna Naik (Harish-Chandra Research Institute) Mean value property in limit for eigenfunctions of the Laplace–Beltrami operator on symmetric spaces: II
Oct 12, 2022 Dipendra Prasad (IIT Bombay) The distinction problem for symmetric spaces
Oct 06, 2022 Priyanka Chudasama (IISc Mathematics) Asymmetric Super-Heston-rough volatility model with Zumbach effect as a scaling limit of quadratic Hawkes processes
Sep 28, 2022 Charles Cifarelli (Université de Nantes) Classification of two-dimensional shrinking gradient Kähler-Ricci solitons
Sep 28, 2022 Akshaa Vatwani (IIT Gandhinagar) Limitations to equidistribution in arithmetic progressions
Sep 22, 2022 G V Krishna Teja (IISc Mathematics) Weights of highest weight modules over Kac–Moody algebras
Sep 21, 2022 Tamas Darvas (University of Maryland) Existence of twisted Kahler-Einstein metrics in big classes
Sep 21, 2022 Rishabh Agnihotri (IISc) Sturm-type bound for square-free Fourier coefficients of Hilbert modular forms
Sep 14, 2022 Najmuddin Fakhruddin (TIFR, Mumbai) Lifting global mod $p$ Galois representations
Sep 14, 2022 Muna Naik (Harish-Chandra Research Institute) Mean value property in limit for eigenfunctions of the Laplace–Beltrami operator on symmetric spaces
Sep 07, 2022 Shiva Chidambaram (MIT, USA) Moduli space of abelian surfaces with fixed $3$-torsion representation
Sep 07, 2022 Peter Smillie (Universität Heidelberg) Counterexamples to the Labourie conjecture
Sep 02, 2022 Junaid Hasan (University of Washington, Seattle, USA) Zeta functions on graphs
Aug 30, 2022 Anusha Krishnan (University of Münster, Germany) Positive sectional curvature and Ricci flow
Aug 29, 2022 Jeff Adler (American University, USA) Finite-group actions on reductive groups and buildings II: the unauthorized sequel
Aug 26, 2022 S. Venkitesh (IIT, Bombay) Closures, Coverings, and Complexity
Aug 25, 2022 Bruno Kahn (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche, Paris, France) The rank spectral sequence on Quillen's Q construction
Aug 24, 2022 Yang Li (MIT) The Thomas-Yau conjecture
Aug 24, 2022 Rajula Srivastava (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison, USA / Univ. Bonn + MPIM, Germany) The Koranyi Spherical Maximal Function on Heisenberg groups
Aug 17, 2022 Arshay Sheth (University of Warwick, UK) p-adic variation of the Asai--Flach Euler system
Aug 10, 2022 Ananth Shankar (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) Abelian Varieties not isogenous to Jacobians
Aug 08, 2022 Jeet Sampat (Washington University in St. Louis, USA) Properties of cyclic functions
Jul 13, 2022 Bidhan Chandra Sardar (IIT Ropar) Homogenization of optimal control problem governed by Stokes system in a pillar-type domain
Jul 11, 2022 K Hariram (IISc Mathematics) The Bergman Kernel of Siegel Modular Forms: Bounds on the Sup-norm
Jun 30, 2022 Mohan Swaminathan (Princeton/Stanford) Extending Taubes' Gromov invariant to Calabi--Yau 3-folds
Jun 22, 2022 Arjun Krishnan (University of Rochester, USA) Geometry of random geodesics - 3
Jun 20, 2022 Mansimar Singh (IISc Mathematics) Attaching Galois Representations to Modular Forms of weight 2
Jun 20, 2022 Arjun Krishnan (University of Rochester, USA) Geometry of random geodesics - 2
Jun 17, 2022 Arjun Krishnan (University of Rochester, USA) Geometry of random geodesics - 1
Jun 16, 2022 G V Krishna Teja (IISc Mathematics) Weights of highest weight modules over Kac–Moody algebras
Jun 14, 2022 Thummala Vamsi Krishna (IISc Mathematics) Local Langlands correspondence for GL(1) and GL(2)
Jun 08, 2022 Sutanu Roy (NISER, Bhubaneswar) Braided quantum symmetries of graph C*-algebras
May 19, 2022 Asvin G (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) On the space of irreducible polynomials in many variables
May 17, 2022 Madhusudan Manjunath (IIT, Bombay) Combinatorial Brill-Noether theory via lattice points and polyhedra
May 11, 2022 Parthanil Roy (ISI, Bangalore) Amenable and hyperbolic groups, stable random fields, and von Neumann algebras
May 06, 2022 Kaneenika Sinha (IISER Pune) Distribution and spacing statistics of Sato-Tate sequences in short intervals
May 06, 2022 Amritanshu Prasad (IMSc, Chennai) Splitting subspaces and the Touchard-Riordan formula
May 04, 2022 Jiaying Pan (Fields Institute) Fundamental groups of open manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature
Apr 28, 2022 Sourav Pal (IIT, Bombay) Minimal dilations for commuting contractions and operator model
Apr 28, 2022 Atul Dixit (IIT Gandhinagar) Generalized Lambert series
Apr 22, 2022 U. K. Anandavardhanan (IIT Bombay) The correlation coefficient in representation theory
Apr 20, 2022 Alexander Belton (Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK) Hirschman–Widder densities and their preservers
Apr 18, 2022 Pritam Ganguly (IISc Mathematics) Quasi-analytic functions, spherical means, and uncertainty principles on Heisenberg groups and symmetric spaces
Apr 13, 2022 Amudhan Krishnaswamy Usha (Technische Universiteit Delft, Netherlands) Local and multilinear non-commutative de Leeuw theorems
Apr 11, 2022 D V Giri (University of New Mexico and Pro-Tech, USA) Complex variable theorems for finding zeroes and poles of transcendental functions
Apr 08, 2022 Somnath Jha (IIT Kanpur) Fine Selmer group of elliptic curves
Apr 06, 2022 Malabika Pramanik (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada) Dimensionality and patterns with curvature
Apr 06, 2022 Aitor Azemar (University of Glasgow) A qualitative description of the horoboundary of the Teichmüller metric
Apr 01, 2022 John Bergdall (Bryn Mawr College, USA) Recent investigations of $L$-invariants of modular forms
Mar 30, 2022 Priyanka Chudasama (IISc Mathematics) Asymmetric Super-Heston-rough volatility model with Zumbach effect as a scaling limit of quadratic Hawkes processes
Mar 30, 2022 Henri Guenancia (CNRS, Toulouse) Degenerating conic Kähler-Einstein metrics
Mar 30, 2022 Colin McSwiggen (Courant Institute, NYU, USA) Cousins and ancestors of the arithmetic-geometric inequality
Mar 25, 2022 Maitreyee Kulkarni (Universität Bonn, Germany) A combinatorial model for totally nonnegative partial flag varieties
Mar 25, 2022 Jacob P. Matherne (Universität Bonn, Germany) Singular Hodge theory for combinatorial geometries
Mar 25, 2022 Fabien Trihan (Sophia University, Japan) On the Tamagawa Number Conjecture in char. $p>0$
Mar 23, 2022 Margit Rösler (Universität Paderborn, Germany) The Laplace transform in the Dunkl setting
Mar 23, 2022 Ipsita Datta (IAS Princeton, USA) Lagrangian Cobordisms and Enriched Knot Diagrams
Mar 16, 2022 Sanal Shivprasad (University of Michigan) Convergence of complex geometric measures to non-Archimedean measures
Mar 11, 2022 Sruthi Sekar (IISc Mathematics) Near-optimal Non-malleable Codes and Leakage Resilient Secret Sharing Schemes
Mar 11, 2022 Nobuo Sato (National Taiwan University) On Eulerian multiple zeta values and the block shuffle relations
Mar 09, 2022 Nathaniel Sagman (Caltech) Minimal surfaces in products of trees
Mar 09, 2022 Kelly Bickel (Bucknell University, USA) Blaschke Products, Level Sets, and Crouzeix's Conjecture
Mar 04, 2022 Jungwon Lee (University of Warwick, UK) Another view of Ferrero--Washington Theorem
Feb 25, 2022 Jaclyn Lang (Temple University, USA) A modular construction of unramified $p$-extensions of $\mathbb{Q}(N^{1/p})$
Feb 23, 2022 Ruadhaí Dervan (University of Cambridge) Analytic stability conditions for polarised varieties
Feb 16, 2022 Loredana Lanzani (Syracuse University, USA) The Cauchy-Szego projection and its commutator for domains in $\mathbb{C}^n$ with minimal smoothness: Optimal bounds
Feb 16, 2022 Daniele Alessandrini (Columbia University) Non commutative cluster coordinates for Higher Teichmüller Spaces
Feb 11, 2022 Gabor Wiese (University of Luxembourg) Galois Families of Modular Forms
Feb 09, 2022 Guillaume Tahar (Weizmann Institute) Quadratic differentials and applications to spherical geometry (joint work with Quentin Gendron)
Feb 09, 2022 Ali Baklouti (University of Sfax, Tunisia) On the $L^p$-Fourier transform norm for compact extensions of locally compact groups
Feb 04, 2022 Sujatha Ramdorai (University of British Columbia, Canada) Asymptotics and codimensions of modules over Iwasawa algebras
Feb 02, 2022 Rahul Garg (IISER, Bhopal) Grushin pseudo-multipliers
Jan 28, 2022 Bharathwaj Palvannan (IISc) The congruence ideal associated to $p$-adic families of Yoshida lifts
Jan 21, 2022 P. Akhilesh (Kerala School of Mathematics) Colloquium: Multiple zeta values and multiple Apéry-like sums
Jan 19, 2022 María J. Carro (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain) Restricted weak type $(1,1)$ estimates for averaging operators
Jan 19, 2022 Anubhav Mukherjee (Georgia Tech) On mapping class group of 4-manifolds
Jan 18, 2022 Pritam Ganguly (IISc Mathematics) Quasi-analytic functions, spherical means, and uncertainty principles on Heisenberg groups and symmetric spaces
Jan 17, 2022 Ambily Ambattu Asokan (Cochin University of Science and Technology) Colloquium: Dickson-Siegel-Eichler-Roy elementary orthogonal transformations
Jan 13, 2022 Peter Semrl (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) On Wigner's theorem
Jan 12, 2022 Kuldeep Kumar Kataria (IIT Bhilai) Colloquium: On fractional counting processes
Jan 10, 2022 Arbaz Khan (IIT Roorkee) Colloquium: Recent advances in mixed finite element approximation for poroelasticity
Jan 07, 2022 G. Arunkumar (IIT Dharwad) Colloquium: Chromatic symmetric functions and the Borcherds–Kac–Moody Lie algebras
Jan 05, 2022 Narasimha Chary Bonala (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany) Colloquium: Intersection cohomology and torus actions of complexity one
Jan 04, 2022 Abu Sufian (IISc Mathematics) Homogenization of certain PDEs and associated optimal control problems on various rough domains
Jan 03, 2022 P. Muthukumar (ISI, Bangalore) Colloquium: Shift invariant subspaces of composition operators

For year:

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Last updated: 23 Oct 2024