List of Seminars. Latest seminars first.

Dec 28, 2023 Sridhar Venkatesh (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA) The Du Bois complex and some associated singularities
Dec 28, 2023 Gobinda Sau (IISc Mathematics) Harmonic map heat flow and framed surface-group representations
Dec 28, 2023 A. Raghuram (Fordham University, New York City, USA) Kerala School of Mathematics
Dec 20, 2023 Ravindra Girivaru (University of Missouri, St. Louis, USA) Matrix factorisations of polynomials
Dec 13, 2023 R. Venkatesh (IISc Mathematics) A simple proof for the characterization of chordal graphs using Horn hypergeometric series
Dec 08, 2023 Duncan Laurie (University of Oxford, UK) The structure and representation theory of quantum toroidal algebras
Dec 08, 2023 Aakanksha Jain (IISc Mathematics) Some aspects of weighted kernel functions on planar domains
Dec 06, 2023 Suraj Krishna (Technion, Israel) Cubulating hyperbolic mapping tori
Dec 01, 2023 Shashank Kanade (University of Denver, USA) A glimpse into the world of Rogers-Ramanujan identities
Nov 30, 2023 Guhan Venkat (Ashoka University) Stark-Heegner cycles over arbitrary number fields
Nov 28, 2023 Sagar Shrivastava (TIFR, Mumbai) Branching multiplicity of symplectic groups as $SL_2$ representations
Nov 20, 2023 Jacques Tilouine (LAGA, Universite Paris 13, Paris, France) Congruences and period relations: a new case
Nov 20, 2023 Arpan Kabiraj (IIT Palakkad) Criteria for simplicity
Nov 17, 2023 Rekha Biswal (NISER, Bhubaneswar) Ideals in enveloping algebras of affine Kac-Moody algebras
Nov 17, 2023 Pabitra Barman (IISc Mathematics) Dominating surface-group representations via Fock-Goncharov coordinates
Nov 17, 2023 Hariharan Narayanan (TIFR, Mumbai) Sums of GUE matrices and concentration of hives from correlation decay of eigengaps
Nov 15, 2023 Subhajit Ghosh (Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel) Aldous-type spectral gap results for the complete monomial group
Nov 15, 2023 Joachim Toft (Linnaeus University, Vaxjo, Sweden) Pseudo-differential calculi and entropy estimates with Orlicz spaces and Orlicz modulation spaces
Nov 14, 2023 Joachim Toft (Linnaeus University, Vaxjo, Sweden) Fractional Fourier transform, harmonic oscillator propagators and Strichartz estimates
Nov 10, 2023 Babhrubahan Bose (IISc Mathematics) Geometry of Normed Linear Spaces in Light of Birkhoff-James Orthogonality
Nov 06, 2023 Chengjian Yao (Shanghai Tech) The Einstein-Bogomolnyi metrics on Riemann sphere
Nov 03, 2023 Radhika Ganapathy (IISc Mathematics) Representations of $p$-adic groups over close local fields
Oct 30, 2023 Shubham Rastogi (IISc Mathematics) On commuting isometries and commuting isometric semigroups
Oct 20, 2023 Anirban Basak (ICTS Bangalore) Non-normal matrices: spectral instability, pseudospectrum, and random perturbation
Oct 18, 2023 Gianluca Faraco (University of Milano Bicocca) Flat geometry and representations
Oct 16, 2023 Arindam Mandal (IISc) The Demailly systems with vortex ansatz
Oct 09, 2023 Rajas Sompurkar (IISc) Existence of higher extremal metrics on a minimal ruled surface
Oct 06, 2023 Dinakar Ramakrishnan (California Institute of Technology, Pasadena/LA, USA) Relative Trace Formula, Periods and non-vanishing of L-values
Oct 04, 2023 Ujjal Das (Technion, Haifa, Israel) Existence of minimizers for weighted $L^p$-Hardy inequalities
Oct 04, 2023 Indranil Biswas (Shiv Nadar University) A Hodge theoretic projective structure on compact Riemann surfaces
Oct 03, 2023 Carsten Carstensen (Humboldt Universitat, Berlin, Germany) Lower eigenvalue bounds of the Laplacian (and bi-Laplacian)
Sep 28, 2023 Loïc Merel (Institut de Mathematiques de Jussieu, Paris, France) About the unit $1^1.2^2.3^3.4^4....((N-1)/2)^{(N-1)/2}$ modulo a prime number $N$
Sep 22, 2023 V. Sathish Kumar (IMSc, Chennai) Unique factorization for tensor products of parabolic Verma modules
Sep 20, 2023 Sudarsan Nanda (KIIT Bhubaneswar and IIT Kharagpur) Applications of Hahn-Banach Theorem to sequence spaces and variational inequality
Sep 14, 2023 Lakshmi Priya M.E. (Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel) Almost sharp lower bound for the nodal volume of harmonic functions
Sep 13, 2023 Ashvni Narayanan (London school of Geometry and Number Theory; Sydney University) Formalization of $p$-adic $L$-functions in Lean 3
Sep 06, 2023 Ravitheja Vangala (IISc) Iwasawa theory for Rankin-Selberg Convolution at an Eisenstein prime
Sep 04, 2023 Diptaishik Choudhury (University of Luxembourg) Measured foliations at infinity of quasi-Fuchsian manifolds close to the Fuchsian locus
Aug 30, 2023 Swaraj Pande (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA) A Frobenius version of Tian's Alpha invariant
Aug 28, 2023 Deeparaj Bhat (MIT) SU(2) Representations of Three-Manifold groups
Aug 21, 2023 Sutanay Bhattacharya (University of California, San Diego, USA) The lattice of nil-Hecke algebras over reflection groups
Aug 11, 2023 Gobinda Sau (IISc Mathematics) Harmonic map heat flow and framed surface-group representations
Aug 04, 2023 M. Seetharama Gowda (University of Maryland in Baltimore County, USA) Fan-Theobald-von Neumann systems
Jul 26, 2023 Armin Schikorra (University of Pittsburgh, USA) Regularity results for n-Laplace systems with antisymmetric potential
Jul 12, 2023 Nishu Kumari (IISc Mathematics) Characters of classical groups twisted by roots of unity
Jul 06, 2023 Kartick Ghosh (IISc Mathematics) On some canonical metrics on holomorphic vector bundles over Kähler manifolds
Jul 04, 2023 Poornendu Kumar (IISc Mathematics) Interaction of distinguished varieties and the Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problem in some domains
Jun 30, 2023 Shubham Rastogi (IISc Mathematics) On commuting isometries and commuting isometric semigroups
Jun 16, 2023 Nimisha Pahuja (IISc Mathematics) Correlations in multispecies asymmetric exclusion process
Jun 15, 2023 Ila Varma (University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada) Understanding number fields through the distributions of their arithmetic invariants
Jun 14, 2023 Terrence George (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA) Inverse problem for electrical networks
Jun 13, 2023 Dietmar Oelz (University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia) Contraction and pattern formation in disordered actomyosin networks
Jun 09, 2023 G P Raja Sekhar (IIT, Kharagpur) Mathematical modelling of tumor growth and mechanical behaviour
Jun 07, 2023 Sujatha Ramdorai (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada) Prime numbers
Jun 07, 2023 Philip Engel (University of Georgia, Athens, USA) Counting Buckyballs
Jun 01, 2023 Aekta Aggarwal (Indian Institute of Management, Indore) Non-local conservation laws modeling traffic flow and crowd dynamics
May 31, 2023 Apoorva Khare (IISc Mathematics) Divisibility tests, recurring decimals, and Artin's conjecture
May 25, 2023 Kiran S. Kedlaya (University of California, San Diego, USA) Tetrahedra with rational dihedral angles
May 24, 2023 Alina Bucur (University of California, San Diego, USA) Zeta functions and Euler products
May 22, 2023 Kiran S. Kedlaya (University of California, San Diego, USA) Cyclotomic polynomials and roots of unity
May 17, 2023 Parthanil Roy (ISI, Bangalore) Could Euclid trisect every angle? How about us?
May 11, 2023 Somnath Basu (IISER-Kolkata) On manifolds homeomorphic to the n-sphere
May 11, 2023 Mohan Ravichandran (Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey) Approximation algorithms for the volumes of spectrahedra
May 03, 2023 Raghavendra Venkatraman (Courant Institute / New York University, USA) Homogenization questions inspired by machine learning and the semi-supervised learning problem
Apr 27, 2023 Renjith T. (IISc Mathematics) Homogenization of PDEs on oscillating boundary domains with L1 data and Optimal control problems
Apr 24, 2023 Andrea Seppi (University of Grenoble) Maximal submanifolds in pseudo-hyperbolic space and applications
Apr 20, 2023 Jitendra Rathore (TIFR Mumbai) Class field theory for varieties over local fields
Apr 17, 2023 Charles Ouyang (University of Massachusetts) New Higher Genus Minimal Lagrangians in CP^{2}
Apr 10, 2023 Ruobing Zhang (Princeton University) Metric geometry of Einstein 4-manifolds with special holonomy.
Apr 10, 2023 Rahul Kumar (CIC biomaGUNE, San Sebastian, Spain) Mathematics for Nanomedicine: From Accelerated acquisitions, Advance Image Processing, to Patient Specific Models
Apr 06, 2023 Kevin Buzzard (Imperial College, London, UK), Viraj Kumar (IISc), and others Computer Proofs and Artificial Intelligence in Mathematics
Apr 03, 2023 Tanushree Shah (Glasgow University) Tight contact structures on Seifert fibered 3-manifolds.
Apr 03, 2023 Kevin Buzzard (Imperial College, London, UK) Mathematics and the computer
Mar 31, 2023 Poornendu Kumar (IISc Mathematics) Interaction of distinguished varieties and the Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problem in some domains
Mar 31, 2023 Debanjana Kundu (Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada) $p \neq q$ Iwasawa Theory
Mar 30, 2023 Souvik Pal (ISI, Bangalore) Harish-Chandra modules over full toroidal Lie algebras and higher-dimensional Virasoro algebras
Mar 29, 2023 Mitul Islam (Heidelberg University) Relatively hyperbolic groups and convex projective structures
Mar 29, 2023 Ashish Mishra (Federal University of Para, Belem, Brazil) On quasi Steinberg characters of complex reflection groups
Mar 28, 2023 Fabien Trihan (Sophia University, Japan) On the $p$-adic $L$-function of automorphic overconvergent $F$-isocrystals
Mar 27, 2023 Andrea Tamburelli (Rice University, USA) Asymptotics of SL(3,R)-Hitchin representations along rays of cubic differentials
Mar 23, 2023 Baskar Balasubramanyam (IISER Pune) $p$-adic adjoint $L$-functions for Hilbert modular forms
Mar 17, 2023 Riddhipratim Basu (ICTS Bangalore) From random permutations and random matrices to random growth: an invitation to the fascinating mathematics of the KPZ universality class
Mar 17, 2023 Nimisha Pahuja (IISc Mathematics) Correlations in multispecies asymmetric exclusion processes
Mar 15, 2023 Anish Ghosh (TIFR Mumbai) The Siegel-Veech transform in dynamics and number theory
Mar 13, 2023 Ved Datar (IISc, Bangalore) Minimal slopes and singular solutions for some complex Hessian equations
Mar 10, 2023 Rahul Biswas (IISc Mathematics) Local Projection Stabilization Methods for the Oseen Problem
Mar 10, 2023 Kartick Ghosh (IISc Mathematics) On some canonical metrics on holomorphic vector bundles over Kähler manifolds
Mar 01, 2023 Kaushal Verma (IISc Mathematics) Basins of attraction and their uniformization
Mar 01, 2023 Devadatta Hegde (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA) Harmonic Analysis and Number Theory
Feb 28, 2023 Abhinandan (University of Tokyo, Japan) Crystalline representations and Wach modules in the relative case
Feb 24, 2023 Apoorva Khare (IISc Mathematics) Schur polynomials: from smooth functions and determinants, to symmetric functions and all characters
Feb 22, 2023 Aditya Karnataki (CMI) Galois representations at the boundary of the eigencurve
Feb 17, 2023 Justin Hilburn (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada) 2-Categorification of Category O and 3d Mirror Symmetry
Feb 10, 2023 G. Krishna Teja (HRI, Prayagraj) Weak faces of highest weight modules and root systems
Jan 27, 2023 T.E.S. Raghavan (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA) Cones, and spectral properties of positive operators in real Banach spaces via Game theory
Jan 18, 2023 Ratul Biswas (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA) Free energy of the diluted Shcherbina–Tirozzi model with quadratic Hamiltonian
Jan 17, 2023 Renjith T. (IISc Mathematics) Homogenization of PDEs on oscillating boundary domains with L1 data and Optimal control problems
Jan 13, 2023 Mahesh Kakde (IISc Mathematics) Stark’s conjectures and refinements
Jan 11, 2023 Shushma Rani (IISER, Mohali) Free root spaces of Borcherds-Kac-Moody Lie superalgebras
Jan 11, 2023 Marko Slapar (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) Thom conjecture in higher dimensions
Jan 10, 2023 Shubham Sinha (University of California, San Diego, USA) The virtual intersection theory of isotropic Quot schemes
Jan 10, 2023 Mladen Dimitrov (University of Lille, France) Uniform irreducibility of Galois action on the $\ell$-primary part of Abelian $3$-folds of Picard type

For year:

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Last updated: 23 Oct 2024