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Algebra & Combinatorics Seminar

Title: Laguerre heaps of segments for the PASEP
Speaker: Xavier Viennot (CNRS and LaBRI, France)
Date: 08 March 2019
Time: 3 pm
Venue: LH-1, Mathematics Department

The PASEP (partially asymmetric exclusion process) is a toy model in the physics of dynamical systems strongly related to the moments of some classical orthogonal polynomials (Hermite, Laguerre, Askey–Wilson). The partition function has been interpreted with various combinatorial objects such as permutations, alternative and tree-like tableaux, etc. We introduce a new one called “Laguerre heaps of segments”, which seems to play a central role in the network of bijections relating all these interpretations.

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Last updated: 23 Oct 2024