Computer assistance in Homogenous length functions

The role of the computer (used by me) was to find a proof of an (at that time best) concrete bound on the length of the commutator of generators, and output this in a (barely) human readable form as posted. Pace Nielsen read through the proof and saw a pattern, with the "same" conjugacy and the "same" pair of triangle inequalities being repeatedly applied in this proof. This was used by him to get strong bounds, and then he and others refined and abstracted this to get the splitting lemma in the paper.

There were two limitations of the way the computer proof was done:

More generally, where a computer helped was in following instructions of the form "try these method in lots of cases in lots of ways and give me the best proof for thess cases (or where we got a strong result)". It is obvious that the "lots of cases" and "lots of ways" are much bigger numbers for computers than by hand. The question is how general one can be with "these methods". I do think even in practice a lot of methods can be encoded, and this is underutilized as people underestimate this. In principle, in the era of Homotopy type theory and Deep learning, presumably every method can be encoded.