Left and Right Identities

We demonstrate how the system can discover a simple proof by purely forward reasoning. The steps here are tailor-made for this proof, and in practice there will be many blind allies.

We start with some axioms for a Monoid, except that the left and right identities are not assumed equal. We show that they are equal.

First, some imports

import provingground.{FiniteDistribution => FD, ProbabilityDistribution => PD, _}
import library._, MonoidSimple._
import learning._

A Monoid is axiomatized as a type M with equality eqM and an operation op := _*_. We consider the relevant objects and axioms.

dist1.entropyVec.mkString("\n", "\n", "\n")

We use a TermEvolver, We first generate the types, which includes the theorems. The time has not been optimized here to avoid accidental biases.

val tv = new TermEvolver(lambdaWeight = 0.0, piWeight = 0.0)
val fdT = Truncate(tv.baseEvolveTyps(dist1), math.pow(0.1, 8))

We shall generate terms. Some experiments show that it is enough to generate with truncation 10^{-5}.

val fd = Truncate(tv.baseEvolve(dist1), math.pow(0.1, 5))
fd.filter(_.typ == eqM(l)(op(l)(r)))

We see that wee get a proof of a key lemma. Criteria, based on probabilities of statements and proofs, tell us that this is one of the best results proved, along with one related by symmetry and a pair that are not useful.

A quick way to explore consequences of this discovered lemma is to use the derivative of the evolution. We see that we get the proof.

val pf = fd.filter(_.typ == eqM(l)(op(l)(r))).supp.head
val initt = TangVec(dist1, FD.unif(pf))
val fdt = Truncate(tv.evolve(initt).vec , math.pow(0.1, 4))
val tqs = fdt.map(_.typ).filter(fdT(_) > 0).flatten

The steps of the proof in this case took less than 0.1 seconds. Of course in practice we assume other axioms and follow other paths. But hopefully the time taken is just a few seconds.

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