object TypedPostResponse
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- TypedPostResponse
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Type Members
- case class AndThen[P, Q, V, W, ID](first: TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID], second: Callback[Q, W, V, ID])(implicit pw: Postable[P, W, ID], qw: Postable[Q, W, ID]) extends TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID] with Product with Serializable
- case class Callback[P, W, V, ID](update: (W) => (V) => (P) => Future[Unit], predicate: (V) => Boolean = (_ : V) => true, name: Option[String] = None)(implicit pw: Postable[P, W, ID], lv: LocalQueryable[V, W, ID]) extends TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID] with Product with Serializable
Callback executed on a post of type P; the returned task gives an empty vector, but running it executes the callback, in fact, a callback is executed for each value of the auxiliary queryable
Callback executed on a post of type P; the returned task gives an empty vector, but running it executes the callback, in fact, a callback is executed for each value of the auxiliary queryable
- update
the callback, may also update the web as a side-effect
- predicate
condition on post to trigger callbask
- pw
- lv
queryability of parameters on which the callback depends
- case class ComposedResponse[P, Q, W, ID](first: TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID], second: TypedPostResponse[Q, W, ID])(implicit pw: Postable[P, W, ID], qw: Postable[Q, W, ID]) extends TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID] with Product with Serializable
- case class ConcurrentResponse[P, W, ID](first: TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID], second: TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID])(implicit pw: Postable[P, W, ID]) extends TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID] with Product with Serializable
- case class DualMiniBot[P, Q, W, V, ID](responses: (V) => (P) => Vector[Future[Q]], predicate: (V) => Boolean = (_: V) => true, name: Option[String] = None)(implicit pw: Postable[P, W, ID], qw: Postable[Q, W, ID], lv: LocalQueryable[V, W, ID], dg: DataGetter[Q, W, ID]) extends TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID] with Product with Serializable
Bot responding to a post returning a vector of posts for each value of the auxiliary queryable - so even if the auxiliary has a single response, many posts are made but posts are in the future : this works if branches are known in advance but each branch calculation is expensive.
Bot responding to a post returning a vector of posts for each value of the auxiliary queryable - so even if the auxiliary has a single response, many posts are made but posts are in the future : this works if branches are known in advance but each branch calculation is expensive.
- responses
the responses of the bot
- predicate
the condition the post must satisfy to trigger the bot
- pw
postability of the post type
- qw
postability of the response post type
- lv
queryability of the other arguments
- case class DualMiniBotTask[P, Q, W, V, ID](responses: (V) => (P) => Vector[Task[Q]], predicate: (V) => Boolean = (_: V) => true, name: Option[String] = None)(implicit pw: Postable[P, W, ID], qw: Postable[Q, W, ID], lv: LocalQueryable[V, W, ID], dg: DataGetter[Q, W, ID]) extends TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID] with Product with Serializable
Bot responding to a post returning a vector of posts for each value of the auxiliary queryable - so even if the auxiliary has a single response, many posts are made but posts are in the future : this works if branches are known in advance but each branch calculation is expensive.
Bot responding to a post returning a vector of posts for each value of the auxiliary queryable - so even if the auxiliary has a single response, many posts are made but posts are in the future : this works if branches are known in advance but each branch calculation is expensive.
- responses
the responses of the bot
- predicate
the condition the post must satisfy to trigger the bot
- pw
postability of the post type
- qw
postability of the response post type
- lv
queryability of the other arguments
- case class MicroBot[P, Q, W, V, ID](response: (V) => (P) => Future[Q], predicate: (P) => (V) => Boolean = (_: P) => (_ : V) => true, name: Option[String] = None)(implicit ppw: Postable[P, W, ID], qw: Postable[Q, W, ID], lv: LocalQueryable[V, W, ID], dg: DataGetter[Q, W, ID]) extends TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID] with Product with Serializable
Bot responding to a post returning a vector of posts, one for each value of the auxiliary queryable (in simple cases a singleton is returned)
Bot responding to a post returning a vector of posts, one for each value of the auxiliary queryable (in simple cases a singleton is returned)
- response
the action of the bot
- predicate
the condition the post must satisfy to trigger the bot
- qw
postability of the response post type
- lv
queryability of the other arguments
- case class MiniBot[P, Q, W, V, ID](responses: (V) => (P) => Future[Vector[Q]], predicate: (V) => Boolean = (_: V) => true, name: Option[String] = None)(implicit pw: Postable[P, W, ID], qw: Postable[Q, W, ID], lv: LocalQueryable[V, W, ID], dg: DataGetter[Q, W, ID]) extends TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID] with Product with Serializable
Bot responding to a post returning a vector of posts for each value of the auxiliary queryable - so even if the auxiliary has a single response, many posts are made
Bot responding to a post returning a vector of posts for each value of the auxiliary queryable - so even if the auxiliary has a single response, many posts are made
- responses
the responses of the bot
- predicate
the condition the post must satisfy to trigger the bot
- pw
postability of the post type
- qw
postability of the response post type
- lv
queryability of the other arguments
- case class PairBot[P, Q1, Q2 <: HList, W, V, ID](response: (V) => (P) => Future[::[Q1, Q2]], predicate: (V) => Boolean = (_ : V) => true)(implicit pw: Postable[P, W, ID], q1w: Postable[Q1, W, ID], q2w: Postable[Q2, W, ID], lv: LocalQueryable[V, W, ID]) extends TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID] with Product with Serializable
Probabaly not needed, need to just post pairs
- case class ReducedResponse[P, Q, R, W, ID](first: TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID], reduce: (Vector[Q]) => R)(implicit pw: Postable[P, W, ID], qw: Postable[Q, W, ID], rw: Postable[R, W, ID], dgr: DataGetter[R, W, ID]) extends TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID] with Product with Serializable
Value Members
- object Callback extends Serializable
- object MicroBot extends Serializable