
object TypedPostResponse

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. TypedPostResponse
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. case class AndThen[P, Q, V, W, ID](first: TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID], second: Callback[Q, W, V, ID])(implicit pw: Postable[P, W, ID], qw: Postable[Q, W, ID]) extends TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID] with Product with Serializable
  2. case class Callback[P, W, V, ID](update: (W) => (V) => (P) => Future[Unit], predicate: (V) => Boolean = (_ : V) => true, name: Option[String] = None)(implicit pw: Postable[P, W, ID], lv: LocalQueryable[V, W, ID]) extends TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID] with Product with Serializable

    Callback executed on a post of type P; the returned task gives an empty vector, but running it executes the callback, in fact, a callback is executed for each value of the auxiliary queryable

    Callback executed on a post of type P; the returned task gives an empty vector, but running it executes the callback, in fact, a callback is executed for each value of the auxiliary queryable


    the callback, may also update the web as a side-effect


    condition on post to trigger callbask




    queryability of parameters on which the callback depends

  3. case class ComposedResponse[P, Q, W, ID](first: TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID], second: TypedPostResponse[Q, W, ID])(implicit pw: Postable[P, W, ID], qw: Postable[Q, W, ID]) extends TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID] with Product with Serializable
  4. case class ConcurrentResponse[P, W, ID](first: TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID], second: TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID])(implicit pw: Postable[P, W, ID]) extends TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID] with Product with Serializable
  5. case class DualMiniBot[P, Q, W, V, ID](responses: (V) => (P) => Vector[Future[Q]], predicate: (V) => Boolean = (_: V) => true, name: Option[String] = None)(implicit pw: Postable[P, W, ID], qw: Postable[Q, W, ID], lv: LocalQueryable[V, W, ID], dg: DataGetter[Q, W, ID]) extends TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID] with Product with Serializable

    Bot responding to a post returning a vector of posts for each value of the auxiliary queryable - so even if the auxiliary has a single response, many posts are made but posts are in the future : this works if branches are known in advance but each branch calculation is expensive.

    Bot responding to a post returning a vector of posts for each value of the auxiliary queryable - so even if the auxiliary has a single response, many posts are made but posts are in the future : this works if branches are known in advance but each branch calculation is expensive.


    the responses of the bot


    the condition the post must satisfy to trigger the bot


    postability of the post type


    postability of the response post type


    queryability of the other arguments

  6. case class DualMiniBotTask[P, Q, W, V, ID](responses: (V) => (P) => Vector[Task[Q]], predicate: (V) => Boolean = (_: V) => true, name: Option[String] = None)(implicit pw: Postable[P, W, ID], qw: Postable[Q, W, ID], lv: LocalQueryable[V, W, ID], dg: DataGetter[Q, W, ID]) extends TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID] with Product with Serializable

    Bot responding to a post returning a vector of posts for each value of the auxiliary queryable - so even if the auxiliary has a single response, many posts are made but posts are in the future : this works if branches are known in advance but each branch calculation is expensive.

    Bot responding to a post returning a vector of posts for each value of the auxiliary queryable - so even if the auxiliary has a single response, many posts are made but posts are in the future : this works if branches are known in advance but each branch calculation is expensive.


    the responses of the bot


    the condition the post must satisfy to trigger the bot


    postability of the post type


    postability of the response post type


    queryability of the other arguments

  7. case class MicroBot[P, Q, W, V, ID](response: (V) => (P) => Future[Q], predicate: (P) => (V) => Boolean = (_: P) => (_ : V) => true, name: Option[String] = None)(implicit ppw: Postable[P, W, ID], qw: Postable[Q, W, ID], lv: LocalQueryable[V, W, ID], dg: DataGetter[Q, W, ID]) extends TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID] with Product with Serializable

    Bot responding to a post returning a vector of posts, one for each value of the auxiliary queryable (in simple cases a singleton is returned)

    Bot responding to a post returning a vector of posts, one for each value of the auxiliary queryable (in simple cases a singleton is returned)


    the action of the bot


    the condition the post must satisfy to trigger the bot


    postability of the response post type


    queryability of the other arguments

  8. case class MiniBot[P, Q, W, V, ID](responses: (V) => (P) => Future[Vector[Q]], predicate: (V) => Boolean = (_: V) => true, name: Option[String] = None)(implicit pw: Postable[P, W, ID], qw: Postable[Q, W, ID], lv: LocalQueryable[V, W, ID], dg: DataGetter[Q, W, ID]) extends TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID] with Product with Serializable

    Bot responding to a post returning a vector of posts for each value of the auxiliary queryable - so even if the auxiliary has a single response, many posts are made

    Bot responding to a post returning a vector of posts for each value of the auxiliary queryable - so even if the auxiliary has a single response, many posts are made


    the responses of the bot


    the condition the post must satisfy to trigger the bot


    postability of the post type


    postability of the response post type


    queryability of the other arguments

  9. case class PairBot[P, Q1, Q2 <: HList, W, V, ID](response: (V) => (P) => Future[::[Q1, Q2]], predicate: (V) => Boolean = (_ : V) => true)(implicit pw: Postable[P, W, ID], q1w: Postable[Q1, W, ID], q2w: Postable[Q2, W, ID], lv: LocalQueryable[V, W, ID]) extends TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID] with Product with Serializable

    Probabaly not needed, need to just post pairs

  10. case class ReducedResponse[P, Q, R, W, ID](first: TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID], reduce: (Vector[Q]) => R)(implicit pw: Postable[P, W, ID], qw: Postable[Q, W, ID], rw: Postable[R, W, ID], dgr: DataGetter[R, W, ID]) extends TypedPostResponse[P, W, ID] with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object Callback extends Serializable
  2. object MicroBot extends Serializable